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Command: DataFileMove

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Command: DataFileMove

Moves .tdm, .tdms, or .dat type DIAdem files and the associated binary files containing the bulk data.

Call DataFileMove(FSSourceName, FSTargetName, [FSProgressBar])

Input Parameters

FSSourceName Specifies the source file or source folder for DIAdem file and folder commands.
FSTargetName Specifies target folders or target files for DIAdem file and folder commands.
[FSProgressBar] Specifies whether the progress bar, which the operating system displays during long operations, is visible. If you assign the value TRUE to the FSProgressBar variable, DIAdem does not display the progress bar. The default value for the FSProgressBar variable is FALSE.
Note  If you use the DataFileMove command, the following errors may occur:
  • The specified target path does not exist.

  • The FSSourceName source contains wildcards, but the target FSTargetName contains a filename instead of a folder.

  • The FSSourceName source contains wildcards that do not match any source file.

The DataFileMove command terminates the action the first time an error occurs. DIAdem does not undo actions it performed before the error occurred. If you use the command for read-only files that are in a local folder, DIAdem does not display an error message. If you use the command for read-only files that are in a network, DIAdem displays an error message.

Note  Regardless of which filename extension you specify for the FSSourceName variable, DIAdem only moves DAT files together with the respective binary files. DIAdem ignores all other file types when you use the DataFileMove command.
Note  Use the FileMove command to move files.
Note  The page Loading Bulk Data - General contains important information on the extended loading behavior of TDM and TDMS files.


The following example moves all the Dat data files, including the binary files, from the C:\DIAdem folder to the D:\Target folder.



Call DataFileMove("C:\DIAdem\*.*","D:\Target\")

Related Topics

Command: DataFileDelete | Command: DataFileLstGet | Command: DataFileRename | Command: DirLstWrite | Command: FileAttrClear | Command: FileAttrSet | Command: FileClose | Command: FileCloseAll | Command: FileCopy | Command: FileDateSet | Command: FileDelete | Command: FileMove | Command: FileOpen | Command: FileRename | Function: DataFileSize

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