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NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg Namespace

NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg Namespace

NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg Namespace

The NI-RFSG .NET class library can be used to control NI RF signal analyzers through the NI-RFSG instrument driver. This library includes methods and properties that exercise the functionality of the NI-RFSG hardware, including configuration and acquisition of waveforms.

Refer to Using the Measurement Studio NI-RFSG .NET Library, Basic Usage, or Mapping the NI-RFSG .NET API to the NI-RFSG C API for more information.

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Public classNIRfsg
Defines a root class that identifies and controls the instrument session.
Public classRfsgAnalogModulation
Provides properties used to configure analog modulation.
Public classRfsgArb
Provides methods and properties used to configure the arbitrary waveform generator (AWG).
Public classRfsgArbMarkerAttributes
Provides the methods for configuring arb marker attributes.
Public classRfsgArbMarkerCollection
Represents a collection of Arb Marker events.
Public classRfsgArbSampleClock
Provides properties used to configure the Arb Sample clock.
Public classRfsgArbSampleClockSource
Represents the source for the arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) Sample clock.
Public classRfsgArbWaveformAttributes
Provides the methods and attributes for configuring waveform properties.
Public classRfsgArbWaveformCollection
Represents a collection of Arb waveform attributes.
Public classRfsgBasicConfigurationList
Provides the methods and properties used to work with configuration lists.
Public classRfsgBurstDetection
Provides methods and properties used to configure the burst properties of a waveform.
Public classRfsgCalibration
Provides the properties to calibrate NI-RFSG device.
Public classRfsgChannelBasedDeembedding
Represents the channel-based properties and methods used to configure Deembedding.
Public classRfsgChannelBasedDeviceCharacteristics
Represents the channel-based properties related to device information.
Public classRfsgChannelBasedIQOutPort
Provides channel based methods and properties used to configure the I/Q OUT port.
Public classRfsgChannelBasedLO
Represents all the fundamental properties used to configure channel based LO.
Public classRfsgConfigurationListStepTrigger
Provides the method and properties used to configure the Configuration List Step trigger.
Public classRfsgConfigurationListStepTriggerExportedOutputTerminal
Represents the destination terminal for RfsgConfigurationListStepTrigger.
Public classRfsgConfigurationSettledEvent
Provides the properties to configure Configuration Settled events.
Public classRfsgConfigurationSettledEventExportedOutputTerminal
Gets the destination terminal for RfsgDoneEvent.
Public classRfsgDataTransfer
Provides the properties used to configure streaming or direct DMA.
Public classRfsgDataTransferAdvanced
Provides the properties used to configure advanced properties for RfsgDataTransfer.
Public classRfsgDeembedding
Represents the properties and methods used to configure Deembedding.
Public classRfsgDeviceCharacteristics
Represents the properties related to device information.
Public classRfsgDeviceCharactersticsOptions
Provides the properties to configure device characteristics.
Public classRfsgDeviceEvents
Provides the properties used to configure NI-RFSG events that can be exported.
Public classRfsgDigitalEdgeConfigurationListStepTrigger
Provides the methods and properties used to configure the Configuration List Step trigger for digital edge triggering, if RfsgConfigurationListStepTrigger is set to DigitalEdge.
Public classRfsgDigitalEdgeConfigurationListStepTriggerSource
Represents the source terminal for RfsgDigitalEdgeConfigurationListStepTrigger.
Public classRfsgDigitalEdgeScriptTrigger
Provides the method and properties used to configure Script trigger for digital edge triggering, if the selected RfsgScriptTriggerType is DigitalEdge.
Public classRfsgDigitalEdgeScriptTriggerSource
Represents the source terminal for RfsgDigitalEdgeStartTrigger.
Public classRfsgDigitalEdgeStartTrigger
Provides the method and properties used to configure Start trigger for digital edge triggering, if RfsgStartTriggerType is DigitalEdge.
Public classRfsgDigitalEdgeStartTriggerSource
Represents the source terminal for RfsgDigitalEdgeStartTrigger.
Public classRfsgDigitalLevelScriptTrigger
Provides the methods and properties used to configure the specified Script trigger for digital level triggering, if the selected RfsgScriptTriggerType is DigitalLevel.
Public classRfsgDigitalLevelScriptTriggerSource
Represents the source terminal for RfsgDigitalLevelScriptTrigger.
Public classRfsgDigitalModulation
Provides the methods and properties used to configure digital modulation.
Public classRfsgDirectDma Obsolete.
Provides the properties used to configure direct DMA to transfer waveform data to the RF signal generator onboard memory at rates well beyond the typical 5 MB/s to 30 MB/s range.
Public classRfsgDoneEvent
Provides the properties used to configure Done event.
Public classRfsgDoneEventExportedOutputTerminal
Represents the destination terminal for RfsgDoneEvent.
Public classRfsgDriverIdentity
Represents the methods and properties that provide identity and version information about the NI-RFSG driver.
Public classRfsgDriverLock
Represents the methods to unlock a driver lock.
Public classRfsgDriverOperation
Represents the methods and properties that provide driver operation functionality.
Public classRfsgDriverUtility
Represents the methods that provide a basic set of utility operations.
Public classRfsgFrequencyReference
Provides the methods and properties used to configure the Frequency Reference clock and the PxiChassisClock10.
Public classRfsgFrequencyReferenceExportedOutputTerminal
Represents the destination terminal of RfsgFrequencyReference.
Public classRfsgFrequencyReferenceSource
Represents the source of RfsgFrequencyReference.
Public classRfsgIQImpairment
Provides the properties to apply I/Q impairments.
Public classRfsgIQOutPort
Provides methods and properties used to configure the I/Q OUT Port.
Public classRfsgLocalOscillatorSource
Represents the source for Local Oscillator.
Public classRfsgMarkerEvent
Represents the channel-based properties related to Marker events.
Public classRfsgMarkerEventCollection
Represents a collection of Marker events.
Public classRfsgMarkerEventExportedOutputTerminal
Represents the destination terminal for RfsgMarkerEvent.
Public classRfsgModulation
Provides the properties used to configure modulation.
Public classRfsgOutputTerminal
Specifies the terminal where the signal is exported. You can choose not to export any signal.
Public classRfsgPulseShaping
Provides the properties used to configure the arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) filter.
Public classRfsgPxiChassisClock10Source
Represents the source for the PXI chassis clock.
Public classRfsgRF
Represents all the fundamental properties and method for the RF.
Public classRfsgRFAdvanced
Represents the advanced properties that relate only to the RF.
Public classRfsgRFBlankingSource
Represents the marker event at which RF blanking occurs.
Note Note
For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, the RF Blanking reserves a PXI trigger line. If you are calling any RfsgDriverUtility.ResetDevice or RfsaDriverUtility.ResetDevice on the same device, NI recommends calling it before committing blanking attributes. Alternatively, you can call RfsgDriverUtility.ResetWithOptions or RfsaDriverUtility.ResetWithOptions. Select Routes in the stepsToOmit parameter.
Public classRfsgRFLocalOscillator
Represents all the fundamental properties for the RF local oscillator.
Public classRfsgRFWaveformAttributes
Provides the properties used to configure RF blanking.
Public classRfsgRFWaveformCollection
Represents a collection attributes for configuring waveform properties.
Public classRfsgScripting
Provides the methods and properties for scripting.
Public classRfsgScriptTrigger
Represents the channel-based methods and properties used to configure the Script trigger.
Public classRfsgScriptTriggerCollection
Represents a collection of RfsgScriptTrigger.
Public classRfsgScriptTriggerExportedOutputTerminal
Represents the destination terminal of RfsgScriptTrigger.
Public classRfsgSelfCalibration
Provides the methods and properties to perform self-calibration and to query data related to self-calibration.
Public classRfsgSignalIdentifier
Specifies which instance of the selected signal to export. This parameter is useful when you set the RfsgSignalType to ScriptTrigger or MarkerEvent. Otherwise, set this parameter to None.
Public classRfsgSignalPath
Represents the properties and methods used to configure SignalPath.
Public classRfsgStartedEvent
Provides the properties to configure Started events.
Public classRfsgStartedEventExportedOutputTerminal
Represents the destination terminal of RfsgStartedEvent.
Public classRfsgStartTrigger
Provides the properties used to configure the Start trigger.
Public classRfsgStartTriggerExportedOutputTerminal
Represents the destination terminal of RfsgStartTrigger.
Public classRfsgStreaming
Represents properties used to configure streaming of waveform data.
Public classRfsgSubObject
Represents members that are common to all sub-object NI-Rfsg classes.
Public classRfsgSynchronizedSampleClock
Provides the properties used to synchronize the Sample Clock.
Public classRfsgSynchronizedSampleClockDistributionLine
Represents the distribution line for Synchronized Sample Clock signal.
Public classRfsgSynchronizedScriptTrigger
Provides the properties used to synchronize the Script Trigger.
Public classRfsgSynchronizedScriptTriggerDistributionLine
Represents the distribution line for synchronized script triggers.
Public classRfsgSynchronizedStartTrigger
Provides the properties used to synchronize the Start trigger.
Public classRfsgSynchronizedStartTriggerDistributionLine
Represents the distribution line for synchronized start trigger.
Public classRfsgTimerEvent
Provides the properties used to configure the Timer events.
Public classRfsgTriggers
Provides the properties used to configure NI-RFSG triggers.
Public classRfsgUpconverter
Represents properties that relate only to the RF upconverter.
Public classRfsgWarning
Represents the properties to return various device warnings.
Public classRfsgWarningEventArgs
Represents properties under Warning Event Args.
Public classRfsgWaveformCapabilities
Represents properties that query the arbitrary waveform capabilities.


Public structureRfsgErrorQueryResult
Represents the result of an error query.
Public structureRfsgRevisionQueryResult
Represents the driver revision.
Public structureRfsgSelfTestResult
Represents the result of the SelfTest.


Public enumerationRfsgAlcControl
Specifies whether to enable or disable the automatic leveling control (ALC).
Public enumerationRfsgAmplificationPath
Specifies whether to use the high power path or low harmonic path.
Public enumerationRfsgAnalogModulationFMBand
Specifies the FM band to use in Analog modulation.
Public enumerationRfsgAnalogModulationFMNarrowbandIntegrator
Specifies the values for narrowband frequency modulation (FM) range.
Public enumerationRfsgAnalogModulationPMMode
Specifies whether to use high deviation mode or low phase noise mode.
Public enumerationRfsgAnalogModulationType
Specifies the analog modulation format to use.
Public enumerationRfsgAnalogModulationWaveformType
Specifies the type of waveform to use as the message signal for analog modulation.
Public enumerationRfsgArbWaveformRelativeWritePosition
Specifies the reference position in the waveform. The position and offset together determine where to start loading data into the waveform.
Public enumerationRfsgAutoPowerSearch
Specifies whether to enable or disable the automatic power search.
Public enumerationRfsgBasicConfigurationListRepeat
Specifies whether the configuration list runs continuously.
Public enumerationRfsgBurstDetectionEnabled
Enables the detection of burst start and burst stop locations in the waveform. You can read the detected burst start and burst stop locations using GetWaveformBurstStartLocations and GetWaveformBurstStopLocations methods respectively.
Note Note
When you download a waveform using niRFSG Read and Download Waveform From file(TDMS) and if RFBlankingproperty is enabled, you must set the RfsgBurstDetectionEnabled property to Disable.
Note Note
For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, the RF Blanking reserves a PXI trigger line. If you are calling any RfsgDriverUtility.ResetDevice or RfsaDriverUtility.ResetDevice on the same device, NI recommends calling it before committing blanking attributes. Alternatively, you can call RfsgDriverUtility.ResetWithOptions or RfsaDriverUtility.ResetWithOptions. Select Routes in the stepsToOmit parameter.
Public enumerationRfsgBurstDetectionMode
Specifies the algorithm that NI-RFSG uses to detect the burst start and burst stop locations in the waveform when burst detection is enabled using the RfsgBurstDetectionEnabled property. When you set RfsgBurstDetectionMode to Auto, NI-RFSG automatically detects the burst start and burst stop locations by analyzing the waveform. To fine-tune the burst detection process parameters yourself, you can set this attribute to Manual and specify the burst detection parameters using the Minimum Quiet Time, Power Threshold, and Minimum Burst Time methods.
Public enumerationRfsgConfigurationListProperties
Specifies the configuration list properties that the user can change between configuration list steps. See CreateConfigurationList(String, RfsgConfigurationListProperties, Boolean).
Public enumerationRfsgConfigurationListStepTriggerType
Specifies the type of trigger to use as the Configuration List Step trigger.
Public enumerationRfsgDeembeddingType
Specifies the type of de-embedding to apply to measurements on the specified port.
Public enumerationRfsgDeviceModule
Specifies the hardware module to use for self-calibration.
Public enumerationRfsgDigitalModulationType
Specifies the digital modulation format to use.
Public enumerationRfsgDigitalModulationWaveformType
Specifies the type of waveform to use as the message signal for digital modulation.
Public enumerationRfsgFilterType
Specifies the pulse-shaping filter type for the finite-impulse response (FIR) filter.
Public enumerationRfsgGenerationStatus
Specifies the status of signal generation. See CheckGenerationStatus.
Public enumerationRfsgIQOffsetUnits
Specifies the units of the IOffset property and the QOffset property.
Note Note
For any devices except PXIe-5820, if the RfsgIQOffsetUnits method is set to Volts, a 0.1 I offset results in a 0.1 V offset in the output. For PXIe-5820 devices, 0.1 I offset results in a 10% offset in the output.
Public enumerationRfsgLinearInterpolationFormat
Specifies the format of parameters to interpolate.
Public enumerationRfsgLoadConfigurationsFromFileLoadOptions
Specifies the configurations to skip to reset while loading configurations from a file.
Public enumerationRfsgLoadConfigurationsFromFileResetOptions
Specifies the configurations to skip while loading from a file.
Public enumerationRfsgLoopBandwidth
Specifies the loop bandwidth of the tuning phase-locked loop (PLL).
Public enumerationRfsgLOOutExportConfigureFromRfsa
Specifies whether to allow NI-RFSA to control the NI-RFSG LO out export.
Public enumerationRfsgLOPllFractionalModeEnabled
Specifies whether to use fractional mode for the local oscillator (LO) phase-locked loop (PLL).
Public enumerationRfsgMarkerEventOutputBehavior
Specifies the output behavior for the Marker Event.
Public enumerationRfsgMarkerEventPulseWidthUnits
Specifies the pulse width units for the Marker Event.
Public enumerationRfsgMarkerEventToggleInitialState
Specifies the initial state for the Marker Event when you set the OutputBehavior property to Toggle.
Public enumerationRfsgModule
Specifies the module in the NI-RFSG device.
Public enumerationRfsgOnboardSampleClockMode
Specifies the sample clock mode on the arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) module.
Public enumerationRfsgOutputPort
Specifies the connector(s) to generate the signal.
Public enumerationRfsgOverflowErrorReporting
Specifies whether NI-RFSG returns a warning when an OSP overflow occurs.
Public enumerationRfsgPeakPowerAdjustmentInheritance
Determines the inheritance behavior of the PeakPowerAdjustment property when a script inherits values from specified waveforms.
Public enumerationRfsgPhaseContinuityEnabled
Specifies whether the driver maintains phase continuity in the arbitrary waveforms.
Public enumerationRfsgPulseModulationMode
Specifies the Pulse modulation mode to use.
Public enumerationRfsgReferencePllBandwidth
Specifies the loop bandwidth of the reference phase-locked loops (PLL).
Public enumerationRfsgResetStepsToOmit
Specifies a list of steps to skip during the reset process.
Public enumerationRfsgRFBlanking
Enables or disables RF blanking.
Public enumerationRfsgRFFrequencySettlingUnits
Specifies the interpretation of the value passed to the FrequencySettlingTime property.
Public enumerationRfsgRFInLOExportEnabled
Specifies whether to enable the RF IN LO OUT terminal on the PXIe-5840.
Public enumerationRfsgRFPortType
Specifies the port type of the daisy-chained PXIe-5840.
Public enumerationRfsgRFPowerLevelType
Specifies how NI-RFSG interprets the value of the PowerLevel property.
Public enumerationRfsgScriptTriggerType
Specifies the Script trigger type.
Public enumerationRfsgSelfCalibrationSteps
Specifies which calibration steps to skip as part of the self-calibration process.
Public enumerationRfsgSignalType
Specifies the type of signal to route.
Public enumerationRfsgSParameterOrientation
Specifies the orientation of the data in the S2P file relative to the port on the DUT port.
Public enumerationRfsgStartTriggerType
Specifies the Start trigger types.
Public enumerationRfsgTerminalConfiguration
Specifies whether to use the I/Q OUT port for Differential configuration or Single-Ended configuration.
Public enumerationRfsgTriggerEdge
Specifies the transition of the signal from one discrete level to another.
Public enumerationRfsgTriggerLevel
Specifies the active level for the Script trigger.
Public enumerationRfsgWaveformGenerationMode
Specifies type of signal to generate, on calling the Initiate method.
Public enumerationRfsgWriteWaveformNormalization
Sets or gets the value to perform the normalization on a waveform.
Note Note
You can not set RfsgWriteWaveformNormalization and RfsgRFPowerLevelType methods at the same time.
Public enumerationRfsgYigMainCoilDriveType
Adjusts the dynamics of the current driving the YIG main coil.
Public enumerationUpconverterFrequencyOffsetMode
Specifies whether NI-RFSG automatically selects the upconverter frequency offset.
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