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RfsgArbWaveformAttributes Properties

RfsgArbWaveformAttributes Properties

RfsgArbWaveformAttributes Properties

The RfsgArbWaveformAttributes type exposes the following members.


Public propertyFilePath
Sets or gets the file path of the waveform.
Public propertyIQRate
Sets or gets the I/Q rate of the waveform. To set this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.
Public propertyMarkers
Gets arb marker collection. A marker index can be passed using the indexer ItemInt32.
Public propertyPapr
Sets or gets the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR).
Public propertyRuntimeScaling
Sets or gets the waveform runtime scaling. The waveform runtime scaling is applied to the waveform data before any other signal processing.
Public propertySignalBandwidth
Sets or gets the bandwidth of the arbitrary signal. This value must be less than or equal to (0.8 × I/Q rate).
Public propertyWaveformSize
Gets the size of the waveform specified by the active channel.

See Also

In This Section
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