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RfsgWarning Class

RfsgWarning Class

RfsgWarning Class

Represents the properties to return various device warnings.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg
Assembly:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg.Fx40 (in NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg.Fx40.dll) Version: 2022


public sealed class RfsgWarning
Public NotInheritable Class RfsgWarning

The RfsgWarning type exposes the following members.


Public propertyStatic memberArbOverflowDigitalGainWarningCode
Gets the warning code when overflow is detected in the Arb's digital gain circuit.
Public propertyStatic memberAwgWarningCode
Gets the warning code from AWG.
Public propertyStatic memberBandwidthExceededWarningCode
Gets the warning code when signal bandwidth exceeds FIR filter passband bandwidth.
Public propertyStatic memberCicFilterOverflowWarningCode
Gets the warning code when overflow is detected in the Arb's CIC filter and output waveform was clipped.
Public propertyCode
Gets the error code that is assigned to the warning.
Public propertyStatic memberCoercedIQRateNotReadWarningCode
Gets the warning code when the IQ rate was coerced, but coerced IQ rate is not read.
Public propertyStatic memberCompensationLimitedWarningCode
Gets the warning code when the thermal correction has reached its limit.
Public propertyStatic memberFirFilterOverflowWarningCode
Gets the warning code when overflow is detected in the Arb's FIR Filter.
Public propertyStatic memberInaccurateTemperatureWarningCode
Gets the warning code when more variation in the readings is found than expected while averaging temperature sensor readings.
Public propertyStatic memberIncompatibleFileVersionWarningCode
Gets the warning code when the file version is not fully compatible with this driver.
Public propertyStatic memberInternalWarningCode
Gets the warning code for an internal warning.
Public propertyStatic memberInvalidAttenuatorWarningCode
Gets the warning code when attenuator hold is enabled, but the held attenuator combination is not calibrated at the new frequency.
Public propertyStatic memberInvalidAttributeNameWarningCode
Gets the warning code when the attribute name in the file was not recognized or is not supported.
Public propertyStatic memberInvalidCalibrationConstantsWarningCode
Gets the warning code when Calibration constants are invalid.
Public propertyStatic memberInvalidWaveformFilepathWarningCode
Gets the warning code when the waveform filepath is invalid.
Public propertyStatic memberIQSumOverflowWarningCode
Gets the warning code when the Arb's OSP circuit detected an overflow due to an IQ pair with an absolute value greater than 1.0.
Public propertyStatic memberLOWarningCode
Gets the warning code from LO.
Public propertyMessage
Gets or sets the message that describes the warning.
Public propertyStatic memberNotPhaseContinuousWarningCode
Gets the warning code when output signal is not be phase continuous.
Public propertyStatic memberOutOfRangeWarningCode
Gets the warning code when the specified value is outside the valid range and device performance is not guaranteed.
Public propertyStatic memberOutOfSpecificationUserSettingWarningCode
Gets the warning code when the requested property value exceeds device specification limits.
Public propertyStatic memberPowerLevelInaccuracyWarningCode
Gets the warning code when unable to correct for temperature deviation.
Public propertyStatic memberPowerOutOfRangeWarningCode
Gets the warning code when attenuator hold is enabled, and the requested power level is out of range for the selected attenuator.
Public propertyStatic memberReadAndDownloadUnsuccessfulWarningCode
Gets the warning code when reading the waveforms from a TDMS file is unsuccessful.
Public propertyStatic memberReversePowerProtectionWarningCode
Gets the warning code when the specified value is outside the valid range.
Public propertyStatic memberSignalOutsidePassbandWarningCode
Gets the warning code when the signal is outside of the upconverter passband.
Public propertyStatic memberUnexpectedDriverWarningCode
Gets the warning code for an unexpected driver warning.
Public propertyStatic memberUpconverterWarningCode
Gets the warning code from Upconverter.


Public methodEquals(Object)
Determines whether the current instance of RfsgWarning and the object that you specify are equal.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodEquals(RfsgWarning)
Determines whether the current instance of RfsgWarning and the RfsgWarning object that you specify are equal.
Public methodEquals(RfsgWarning, Boolean)
Checks for the equality for the two RfsgWarning object considering whether warning message should be compared or not.
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns the hash code for the current instance of RfsgWarning.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Converts the current instance of RfsgWarning to string.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)


Public operatorStatic memberEquality
Checks whether the two instances of RfsgWarning are equal.
Public operatorStatic memberInequality
Checks whether the two instances of RfsgWarning are unequal.


Represents a list of warnings that are returned by the driver.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also

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