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RfsgBurstDetection Properties

RfsgBurstDetection Properties

RfsgBurstDetection Properties

The RfsgBurstDetection type exposes the following members.


Public propertyEnabled
Enables the detection of burst start and burst stop locations in the waveform. Set this method to Enabled before writing a waveform to RFSG memory for detecting bursts. You can read the detected burst start and burst stop locations using GetWaveformBurstStartLocations and GetWaveformBurstStopLocations methods respectively.
Note Note
When you download a waveform using ReadandDownloadWaveformFromfileTDMS and if RFBlankingproperty is enabled, you must set the RfsgBurstDetectionEnabled property to Disable.
Note Note
For PXIe-5830/5831/5832, the RF Blanking reserves a PXI trigger line. If you are calling any RfsgDriverUtility.ResetDevice or RfsaDriverUtility.ResetDevice on the same device, NI recommends calling it before committing blanking attributes. Alternatively, you can call RfsgDriverUtility.ResetWithOptions or RfsaDriverUtility.ResetWithOptions. Select Routes in the stepsToOmit parameter.
Public propertyMinimumBurstTime
Sets or gets the minimum duration of the detected bursts. Any detected burst with a duration smaller than the value of this property is ignored by NI-RFSG.

This property is ignored when you disable the RfsgBurstDetectionEnabled property or when you set the RfsgBurstDetectionMode property to Auto.

Public propertyMinimumQuietTime
Sets or gets the time duration for which the signal must be quiet before a valid burst start location or after a valid burst stop location.

This method is ignored when you disable the RfsgBurstDetectionEnabled or when you set the RfsgBurstDetectionModeproperty to Auto.

Public propertyMode
Sets or gets the algorithm that NI-RFSG uses to detect the burst start and burst stop locations in the waveform when burst detection is enabled using the RfsgBurstDetectionEnabled property. When you set RfsgBurstDetectionMode to Auto, NI-RFSG automatically detects the burst start and burst stop locations by analyzing the waveform. To fine-tune the burst detection process parameters yourself, you can set this attribute to Manual and specify the burst detection parameters using the MinimumQuietTime, PowerThreshold, and MinimumBurstTime methods.
Public propertyPowerThreshold
Sets or gets the relative power level at which burst start or stop locations are detected. The threshold is relative to the peak power in the waveform. NI-RFSG detects burst start (or burst stop) locations when the signal exceeds (or falls below) the level specified by this property.

This property is ignored when you disable the RfsgBurstDetectionEnabled property or when you set the RfsgBurstDetectionMode property to Auto.


See Also

In This Section
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