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NIRfsg Properties

NIRfsg Properties

NIRfsg Properties

The NIRfsg type exposes the following members.


Public propertyArb
Gets the Arb sub-object used to configure the arbitrary waveform generator (AWG).
Public propertyArbSampleClock
Gets the ArbSampleClock sub-object used to configure the sample clock.
Public propertyBasicConfigurationList
Gets the BasicConfigurationList sub-object used to work with the configuration lists.
Public propertyCalibration
Gets the Calibration sub-object that allows calibration of the NI-RFSG.
Public propertyDeembedding
Gets the Deembedding sub-object used to configure Deembedding. A port can be passed using the indexer ItemString.
Public propertyDeviceCharacteristics
Gets the DeviceCharacteristics sub-object used to get device characteristics such as DeviceTemperature, ModuleRevision, and LOTemperature. An active channel can be passed using the indexer ItemString.
Public propertyDeviceEvents
Gets the DeviceEvents sub-object used to configure the NI-RFSG events that can be exported.
Public propertyDriverIdentity Obsolete.
Gets the DriverIdentity sub-object that provides identity and version information about the NI-RFSG instrument driver.
Public propertyDriverOperation
Gets the DriverOperation sub-object that affect operation of the NI-RFSG instrument driver.
Public propertyDriverUtility Obsolete.
Gets the DriverUtility sub-object applicable to driver utility operations such as SelfCalibrate, Reset, and Commit.
Public propertyFrequencyReference
Gets the FrequencyReference sub-object used to configure the Reference clock signal.
Public propertyIdentity
Gets the Identity sub-object that provides identity and version information about the NI-RFSG instrument driver.
Public propertyIQImpairments
Gets the IQImpairments sub-object used to apply I/Q impairments such as GainImbalance and Skew.
Public propertyIQOutPort
Gets the IQOutPort sub-object used to configure the I/Q OUT port. An active channel can be passed using the indexer ItemString.
Public propertyIsDisposed
Gets whether the driver session is disposed.
Public propertyModulation
Gets the Modulation sub-object used to configure digital and analog modulation parameters.
Public propertyRF
Gets the RF sub-object used to access fundamental properties for RF characteristics.
Public propertySignalPath
Gets the SignalPath sub-object used to configure Signal Path.
Public propertyTriggers
Gets the Triggers sub-object used to configure the NI-RFSG triggers.
Public propertyUtility
Gets the Utility sub-object applicable to driver utility operations such as SelfCalibrate, Reset, and Commit.

See Also

In This Section
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