RfsgModulation PropertiesDownload PDFSelected SectionSelected Section and Subsection(s)Entire ManualUpdated2024-05-081 minute(s) readNI-RFSGAPI ReferenceRfsgModulation PropertiesRfsgModulation Properties The RfsgModulation type exposes the following members.Properties NameDescriptionAnalog Gets the Analog sub-object used to configure analog modulation. Digital Gets the Digital sub-objects used to configure digital modulation. TopSee AlsoReferenceRfsgModulation ClassNationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg NamespaceCopyright © National Instruments Corporation. All Rights Reserved. In This SectionPropertiesSee AlsoWas this information helpful?YesNo
RfsgModulation PropertiesRfsgModulation Properties The RfsgModulation type exposes the following members.Properties NameDescriptionAnalog Gets the Analog sub-object used to configure analog modulation. Digital Gets the Digital sub-objects used to configure digital modulation. TopSee AlsoReferenceRfsgModulation ClassNationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg NamespaceCopyright © National Instruments Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
RfsgModulation PropertiesRfsgModulation Properties The RfsgModulation type exposes the following members.Properties NameDescriptionAnalog Gets the Analog sub-object used to configure analog modulation. Digital Gets the Digital sub-objects used to configure digital modulation. TopSee AlsoReferenceRfsgModulation ClassNationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg NamespaceCopyright © National Instruments Corporation. All Rights Reserved.