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RfsgDeviceEvents Properties

RfsgDeviceEvents Properties

RfsgDeviceEvents Properties

The RfsgDeviceEvents type exposes the following members.


Public propertyConfigurationSettledEvent
Gets the RfsgConfigurationSettledEvent sub-object containing properties used to configure Configuration Started events.
Public propertyDelay
Gets or sets the delay that is applied to the Started Event, Done Event, and all Marker Events with respect to the analog output of the RF signal generator.
Public propertyDoneEvent
Gets the DoneEvent sub-object representing the underlying hardware used to configure Done Events.
Public propertyMarkerEvents
Gets the MarkerEvents sub-object used to configure Marker Events that the NI-RFSG produces in relation to a waveform that is generated. To retrieve channel-specific objects of Type RfsgMarkerEvent, pass the channel name to the indexer ItemInt32.
Public propertyStartedEvent
Gets the StartedEvent sub-object containing properties used to configure Started Events.
Public propertyTimer
Gets the Timer sub-object containing properties used to configure Timer Events.

See Also

In This Section
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