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RfsgRFAdvanced.AmplificationPath Property

RfsgRFAdvanced.AmplificationPath Property

RfsgRFAdvancedAmplificationPath Property

Gets or sets the amplification path to use. The low harmonic path provides greater second and third harmonic spurious response, and the high power path provides higher output power. NI-RFSG automatically sets the value of this property based on power and frequency settings. Setting this property overrides the value chosen by the NI-RFSG device.

Note: Resetting this property reverts back to the default behavior.

Namespace:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg
Assembly:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg.Fx40 (in NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg.Fx40.dll) Version: 2022


public RfsgAmplificationPath AmplificationPath { get; set; }
Public Property AmplificationPath As RfsgAmplificationPath

Property Value

Type: RfsgAmplificationPath
Specifies the RfsgAmplificationPath enumeration.


ObjectDisposedException The AmplificationPath property was accessed after the associated NIRfsg object was disposed.

See Also

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