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Product Documentationni-rfsg-dotnet-api-ref_docRfsgDeembedding.CreateDeembeddingSParameterTableArray MethodCurrent page
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RfsgDeembedding.CreateDeembeddingSParameterTableArray Method

RfsgDeembedding.CreateDeembeddingSParameterTableArray Method

RfsgDeembeddingCreateDeembeddingSParameterTableArray Method

Creates an s-parameter de-embedding table from the input data.

Namespace:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg
Assembly:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg.Fx40 (in NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg.Fx40.dll) Version: 2022


public void CreateDeembeddingSParameterTableArray(
	string tableName,
	double[] frequencies,
	ComplexDouble[,,] sParameterTable,
	RfsgSParameterOrientation sParameterOrientation
Public Sub CreateDeembeddingSParameterTableArray ( 
	tableName As String,
	frequencies As Double(),
	sParameterTable As ComplexDouble(,,),
	sParameterOrientation As RfsgSParameterOrientation


Type: SystemString
Specifies the name of the table. The name of the table must be unique.
Type: SystemDouble
Specifies the frequencies for the S-parameter table rows. Frequencies must be unique and in ascending order.
Type: NationalInstrumentsComplexDouble
Specifies the S-parameters for each frequency. S-parameters for each frequency are placed in the array in the following order: s11, s12, s21, s22. The data array passed to this method should be of type NationalInstruments.ComplexDouble
Type: NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsgRfsgSParameterOrientation
Specifies the orientation of the data in the S2P file.


If only one table is created, the table is automatically selected and used to de-embed the measurement.

See Also

In This Section
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