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RfsgRFAdvanced.FrequencyTolerance Property

RfsgRFAdvanced.FrequencyTolerance Property

RfsgRFAdvancedFrequencyTolerance Property

Gets or sets the maximum frequency error, in Hertz (Hz) allowed during the software upconversion process.

Namespace:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg
Assembly:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg.Fx40 (in NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg.Fx40.dll) Version: 2022


public double FrequencyTolerance { get; set; }
Public Property FrequencyTolerance As Double

Property Value

Type: Double
Specifies a Double representing the maximum frequency error allowed during the software upconversion process.


ObjectDisposedException The FrequencyTolerance property was accessed after the associated NIRfsg object was disposed.


NI-RFSG may introduce a frequency error up to the specified amount in order to optimize computational speed and onboard memory usage while upconverting phase-continuous signals. If PhaseContinuityEnabled is set to , this property is ignored, and the driver does not introduce a frequency error.

To set this property, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

On devices that do not use software upconversion, this property is ignored. NI 5670 always uses software upconversion. NI 5671 uses software upconversion for I/Q rates greater than 8.33 MS/s.

See Also

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