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RfsgFrequencyReferenceSource Properties

RfsgFrequencyReferenceSource Properties

RfsgFrequencyReferenceSource Properties

The RfsgFrequencyReferenceSource type exposes the following members.


Public propertyStatic memberClockIn
Gets the source when the clock signal present at the front panel CLK IN connector is used as the source.
Public propertyStatic memberOnboardClock
Gets the source when arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) module onboard clock is used as the clock source.
Public propertyStatic memberPxiClock
Gets the source when the PXI_CLK signal, which is present on the PXI backplane is used as the source.
Public propertyStatic memberPxiClockMaster
NI-RFSG configures the PXIe-5653 to export the Reference Clock and configures the PXIe-5840/PXIe-5820/PXIe-3622 to use PxiClock.
Public propertyStatic memberReferenceIn
Gets the source when the clock signal present at the front panel REF IN connector is used as the source.
Public propertyStatic memberReferenceIn2
NI-RFSG locks the Reference Clock to the clock sourced at the PXIe-5840 REF IN terminal that is already configured by an NI-RFSA session.

See Also

In This Section
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