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Product Documentationni-rfsg-dotnet-api-ref_docRfsgRFFrequencySettlingUnits EnumerationCurrent page
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RfsgRFFrequencySettlingUnits Enumeration

RfsgRFFrequencySettlingUnits Enumeration

RfsgRFFrequencySettlingUnits Enumeration

Specifies the interpretation of the value passed to the FrequencySettlingTime property.

Namespace:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg
Assembly:  NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg.Fx40 (in NationalInstruments.ModularInstruments.NIRfsg.Fx40.dll) Version: 2022


public enum RfsgRFFrequencySettlingUnits
Public Enumeration RfsgRFFrequencySettlingUnits


  Member nameValueDescription
TimeAfterLock12000 The value in frequency settling is the time to wait after the frequency phase-locked loop (PLL) locks.
TimeAfterIO12001 The value in frequency settling is the time to wait after all the input to change the frequency occurs.
Ppm12002 The value in frequency settling is at least the frequency accuracy when settling completes.

See Also

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