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RfsgDriverIdentity Properties

RfsgDriverIdentity Properties

RfsgDriverIdentity Properties

The RfsgDriverIdentity type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDescription
Gets a string that contains a brief description of NI-RFSG driver.
Public propertyIdentifier
Gets the serial number of the instrument.
Public propertyInstrumentFirmwareRevision
Gets firmware revision information for the NI-RFSG device you are currently using.
Public propertyInstrumentManufacturer
Gets the name of the manufacturer of the current NI-RFSG device.
Public propertyInstrumentModel
Gets a string that contains the model number or name of the NI-RFSG device that you are currently using.
Public propertyRevision
Gets a string that contains additional version information about NI-RFSG.
Public propertySpecificationMajorVersion
Gets the major version number of this instrument driver.
Public propertySpecificationMinorVersion
Gets the minor version number of this instrument driver.
Public propertySpecificDriverMajorVersion
Gets the major version number of the IVI class specification with which NI-RFSG driver is compliant.
Public propertySpecificDriverMinorVersion
Gets the minor version number of the class specification with which NI-RFSG driver is compliant.
Public propertyVendor
Gets a string that contains the name of the vendor that supplies NI-RFSG driver.

See Also

In This Section
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