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RfsgIQImpairment Properties

RfsgIQImpairment Properties

RfsgIQImpairment Properties

The RfsgIQImpairment type exposes the following members.


Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets whether the I/Q impairment is enabled.
Public propertyGainImbalance
Gets or sets the gain imbalance of the I/Q modulator (I versus Q), in dB.
Public propertyIOffset
Gets or sets I-signal DC offset when using a National Instruments arbitrary waveform generator (AWG).
Public propertyOffsetUnits
Gets or sets the units of IOffset and the QOffset.
Note Note
For any devices except PXIe-5820, if the RfsgIQOffsetUnits method is set to Volts, a 0.1 I offset results in a 0.1 V offset in the output. For PXIe-5820 devices, 0.1 I offset results in a 10% offset in the output.
Public propertyQOffset
Gets or sets the Q-signal DC offset when using a National Instruments arbitrary waveform generator (AWG).
Public propertySkew
Gets or sets the adjustment of the phase angle between the I and Q vectors. If this skew is zero, the phase angle is 90 degrees.

See Also

In This Section
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