Set Simulation Behavior Dialog Box (IP Integration Node)

Use this dialog box to set the simulation behavior for synthesis files in the IP Integration Node.

Access this dialog box by double-clicking the IP Integration Node, selecting one or more synthesis files in the IP Source table, and clicking the Set Simulation Behavior button.

This dialog box includes the following components:

Option Description

Specifies that you will define one or more files, such as .vhd or .mif files, as the simulation model.

NI recommends selecting this option for netlist synthesis files. The third-party tool that generates the netlist file also generates the files that define the simulation model.

Ensure the code follows the guidelines for top-level synthesis and simulation files.

Use the buttons to the right of this list in the following ways:

  • Add File—Prompts you to add a file to the list.
  • Remove File—Prompts you to remove a file from the list. Select the file and then click the Remove File button.
  • Set as Top—Prompts you to set a file as the top-level simulation file. Select a file and then click the Set as Top button. This button is available only if you are setting simulation behavior for the top-level synthesis file as displayed on the Name and Source page. You can set only .vhd files as the top-level simulation file.
Post-synthesis model

Specifies that LabVIEW uses the netlist file to generate a .vhd simulation model. Select this option if you do not have the .vhd file that corresponds to the netlist synthesis file.

Selecting this option greatly increases the simulation run time for netlist synthesis files. NI recommends selecting the User-defined option for netlist synthesis files.

Same as synthesis Specifies that LabVIEW uses the synthesis file itself for simulation. If the synthesis file is a Xilinx IP configuration file, LabVIEW uses the .vhd simulation model that the Xilinx IP generator provides. This option is available only if the synthesis file is a Xilinx IP configuration file or a .vhd file.
Exclude from simulation model Specifies that LabVIEW does not export this file for simulation. Select this option if you do not need to simulate the synthesis file or if another simulation model already includes the simulation model of a synthesis file. You cannot select this option for a top-level synthesis file.

Batch Setting Simulation Behaviors

If you select multiple synthesis files before launching this dialog box, LabVIEW dims certain behaviors according to the following rules:

  • LabVIEW always dims the User-defined behavior.
  • LabVIEW enables the Post-synthesis model behavior only if all the files you selected are netlist files
  • LabVIEW dims the Same as synthesis behavior if you selected at least one netlist file
  • LabVIEW dims the Exclude from simulation model behavior if you selected the top-level synthesis file