Information Page (Compilation Properties Dialog Box)

Use this page of the Compilation Properties dialog box to name the FPGA application and select the location to build the application.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Build specification name Specifies a unique name for the build specification. The name appears under Build Specifications in the Project Explorer window.
Bitfile name Specifies the filename for the bitfile.Bitfiles must have a .lvbitx extension.
Note If you compile an FPGA VI multiple times without updating the FPGA project, LabVIEW saves the bitfile for the latest compilation only. To track the history of your bitfiles for the same FPGA project, rename the bitfile for each compilation so that all the bitfiles are saved.
Destination directory Specifies the location to save the build on the local computer. You can enter a path or use the Browse button to navigate to and select the location. If the absolute path specified is the project folder or the folder above, the value of Bld_localDestDir in the project file is a relative path and the value of Bld_localDestDirType is relativeToProject or relativeToCommon.
Run when loaded Specifies that FPGA VIs run automatically when you load them to the FPGA target. The availability of this option varies by FPGA target.
Note If you download the FPGA VI to the flash memory, the VI automatically loads to the FPGA even if you do not compile it with the Run when loaded to FPGA option. However, the VI does not run automatically. Verify that the FPGA VI is compiled with the Run when loaded to FPGA option if you want the VI to run automatically when it loads to the FPGA.
Allow removal of implicit enable signals inside single-cycle Timed Loops Specifies that the compiler removes implicit enable signals from single-cycle Timed Loops that run independently of other nodes on the block diagram. By default, this checkbox does not contain a checkmark.
Note This option is only visible for targets that support removing implicit enable signals. Refer to your target hardware documentation for more information about support for removing implicit enable signals.
Version Number Contains the version number to associate with the build.
  • Major—Specifies the component of the version number that indicates a major revision.
  • Minor—Specifies the component of the version number that indicates a minor revision.
  • Fix—Specifies the component of the version number that indicates a revision to fix problems.
  • Build—Specifies the component of the version number that indicates a specific build.
Build specification description Displays information about the build specification. You can view and edit the description on this page only.