Terminals Page (Component-Level IP Properties Dialog Box)

In the Component-Level IP Properties dialog box, select General from the Category list to display this page.

Use this page to specify the names and data types of block diagram terminals that correspond to VHDL ports in the component-level IP (CLIP).

This page includes the following options:

Option Description
terminal settings Lists the terminals in the CLIP by their LabVIEW names.
Default Data Type Displays the default terminal type as the CLIP declaration XML defines it.
LabVIEW Data Type Displays the data type of the terminal for this instantiation of the CLIP.
terminal type selector Specifies an override data type for the terminal you select in the LabVIEW Name column.
  • Fixed-point encoding—Specifies whether the selected terminal is Signed or Unsigned. This option is valid for fixed-point terminals only.
  • Integer word length—Specifies the integer word length of the selected terminal between [–2048, 2047]. This option is valid for fixed-point terminals only. LabVIEW sets the word length of the terminal to the width of the corresponding port as specified in the IP.