Project Export for Vivado Design Suite Properties Dialog Box

From the Project Explorer window, right-click Build Specifications and select New»Project Export for Vivado from the shortcut menu to display this dialog box. You also can right-click a build specification name under Build Specifications and select Properties from the shortcut menu, or double-click the build specification name to display this dialog box.

Use this dialog box to access and configure settings for exporting FPGA VIs to Vivado Design Suite.

This dialog box includes the following pages, which you use to configure the settings for the compilation:

The bottom of this dialog box includes the following buttons:

Option Description
Build Updates the LabVIEW project with the build specification settings, closes the dialog box, and builds the build specification with the current settings.Clicking the Build button does not save the settings to disk. You must save the project in order to save these build specification settings.
OK Accepts the current configuration and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without accepting the current configuration.