Initial Values Page (Memory Properties Dialog Box)

In the Memory Properties dialog box, select Initial Values from the Category list to display this page.

Use this page to initialize the memory item you create in the Memory Properties dialog box. You can edit data elements individually, define linear segments, use predefined functions, or call an initialization VI you create.

This page includes the following components:

Option Description
Initialization Method Specifies the method you want to use to initialize the memory item. Select Standard Function to populate the memory item with constants, straight lines, sine waves, or cosine waves. Select Initialization VI to populate the memory item with an array that an initialization VI creates.
Standard Function—Contains the following options:
  • Mode—Specifies the contents with which LabVIEW populates the address interval you select.You can select from the following values:
  • Constant—Populates using the constant you specify in Value.
  • Linear—Populates using a linear segment computed from the values you specify in Starting value and Slope.
  • Sine—Populates using a full-scale sine wave that you specify in Number of Cycles.This option is available only for signed integers and signed fixed-point numbers.
  • Cosine—Populates using a full-scale cosine wave that you specify in Number of Cycles.This option is available only for signed integers and signed fixed-point numbers.
  • Start Address—Specifies the low end of the memory item interval you want to populate.
  • End Address—Specifies the high end of the memory item interval you want to populate.
  • Value—Specifies a value.This value is the constant LabVIEW enters in the memory item if you select Constant from the Mode pull-down menu.
  • Starting Value—Specifies the first value LabVIEW enters in the memory item if you select Linear from the Mode pull-down menu.
  • Parameter—Specifies the slope of the line LabVIEW enters in the memory item if you select Linear from the Mode pull-down menu.
  • Number of Cycles—Specifies the number of cycles LabVIEW enters in the memory item if you select Sine or Cosine from the Mode pull-down menu.
  • Apply—Displays the initial values in the Graph Preview and Data Values tabs. Clicking the Apply button does not save the initialization data. You must click the Apply button and the OK button to save the initialization data.
  • Initialization VI—Contains the following options:
  • VI Path—Specifies the path to the initialization VI.
  • New—Creates an instance of a template VI, saves the VI to the location you specify in the Name the New Initialization VI dialog box, and opens the VI. You must close the Memory Properties dialog box to edit the VI.
  • Open—Opens the VI you specify in the VI Path field. You must close the Memory Properties dialog box to edit the VI.
  • Run—Runs the VI you specify in the VI Path field. LabVIEW then imports the output array into the memory item and displays the corresponding values in the Graph Preview and Data Values tabs.
Graph Preview Displays the current contents of the memory item in a waveform graph.
Data Values Displays the current contents of the memory item.
Reset to Default Values Resets the contents of the memory item to the default value.For the Boolean data type, the default is 0 (FALSE). For integer data types, the default is 0. For fixed-point data types, the default is 0 if Maximum is greater than or equal to 0 and Minimum is less than or equal to 0 on the General Memory Properties page. If Maximum is less than 0, the default is equal to Maximum. If Minimum is greater than 0, the default is equal to Minimum.