Configure Segment Dialog Box

Click the Define Segment button in the Define Table dialog box to display this dialog box.

Use this dialog box to initialize the look-up table. You can populate specific look-up table segments with constants, straight lines, or sinusoidal waves.

This dialog box includes the following components:

Option Description
Starting address Specifies the low end of the look-up table interval you want to populate.
Ending address Specifies the high end of the look-up table interval you want to populate.
Mode Specifies the contents with which LabVIEW populates the address interval you select.Mode contains the following values:
  • Constant—Populates using the constant you specify in Value.
  • Linear—Populates using a linear segment computed from the values you specify in Starting value and Slope.
  • Sine Wave—Populates using a full-scale sine wave that you specify in Number of cycles.
  • Cosine Wave—Populates using a full-scale cosine wave that you specify in Number of cycles.
Value Specifies the constant LabVIEW enters in the look-up table if you select Constant from the Mode pull-down menu.
Starting value Specifies the first value LabVIEW enters in the look-up table if you select Linear from the Mode pull-down menu.
Slope Specifies the slope of the line LabVIEW enters in the look-up table if you select Linear from the Mode pull-down menu.
Number of cycles Specifies the number of cycles LabVIEW enters in the look-up table if you select Sine Wave or Cosine Wave from the Mode pull-down menu.