Configure Compile Worker Dialog Box

Click Configure in the FPGA Compile Worker window to display this dialog box.

Use the Configure Compile Worker dialog box to specify the compile server from which the compile worker accepts compile job requests.

This dialog box contains the following components:

Option Description
Use the local compile server Specifies to use the compile server on localhost without logging in with a user name and password.
Connect to a compile server Specifies to connect to the compile server located on the computer specified in Hostname. By default, LabVIEW uses the compile server installed on the local computer, called localhost.

If you installed the Xilinx compilation tools, which includes tools for the compile worker, on a remote computer, you can compile an FPGA VI remotely.

  • Hostname

    Specifies the computer running the compile server you want to use. Enter the name or IP address of the remote computer running the compile server.

    If you enter a name of a computer, the computer must be on the same network as the computer running LabVIEW. Enter only the name of the computer, and do not include any additional characters.

  • Username—Specifies the login name to use to connect to the compile server. The default user name is admin.
  • Password—Specifies the password users must enter before they can connect to the compile server. The default password is empty.
Number of simultaneous jobs Specifies the maximum number of compile jobs that the compile worker can take at the same time.If you install the FPGA Compile Farm Server on the computer you want to use as the compile server, you can compile multiple FPGA VIs simultaneously. Otherwise, the compile server will send only one compile job to the compile worker, even if you specify more in this dialog box.