Creating FPGA I/O Items

If you want to access an I/O resource on an FPGA target, you first must create an FPGA I/O item in the Project Explorer window. You then can use the FPGA I/O item in an FPGA I/O Node on the block diagram of an FPGA VI. You must create the FPGA I/O item under the FPGA target in the Project Explorer window.

Tip   Many FPGA targets support the FPGA Project Wizard, which you can use to quickly create I/O for a target.

If you add a C Series module to the Project Explorer window, LabVIEW automatically adds all FPGA I/O items to the project. If you add a component-level IP (CLIP) item to the Project Explorer window, LabVIEW automatically adds all I/O items associated with the CLIP to the project.

Complete the following steps to create a new FPGA I/O item.

  1. Create a new project or open an existing project.
  2. Add an FPGA target to the project.
  3. Right-click the FPGA target and select New»FPGA I/O from the shortcut menu. The New FPGA I/O dialog box appears.
  4. Select the I/O resource you want to use in the Available Resources tree.
    Tip   You can select multiple resources by pressing the <Ctrl> key and clicking additional resources. You also can select an entire group of I/O resources by clicking the top-level I/O type or folder, if available.
  5. Click the Add button. The I/O resource appears in the Resource column of the New FPGA I/O table. The default name of the I/O resource appears in the Name column. You can enter a new name for the I/O resource by typing in the Name column.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all the I/O resources you want to use are listed in the New FPGA I/O table.
  7. Click the OK button. The FPGA I/O items you created appear in the Project Explorer window under the FPGA target. If you do not remove the checkmark from the Place new I/O in folders checkbox in the New FPGA I/O dialog box, the FPGA I/O items appear in folders organized according to the hierarchy in the Available Resources list.

You also can create FPGA I/O items from the FPGA I/O Node on the block diagram. Right-click the FPGA I/O Node and select Add New FPGA I/O from the shortcut menu to display the New FPGA I/O dialog box. Complete steps 4 through 7 above to add new FPGA I/O items to the FPGA target in the Project Explorer window.

Note   I/O associated with component-level IP (CLIP) appears in the Project Explorer window when you add a CLIP item to the project.