Using the FPGA I/O Node

After you create FPGA I/O items in the Project Explorer window, you can use the FPGA I/O items in FPGA I/O Nodes on the block diagram. You can click an FPGA I/O item in the Project Explorer window and drag it onto the block diagram to create a new FPGA I/O Node that is configured for that FPGA I/O item. You also can complete the following steps to add an FPGA I/O Node to the block diagram and configure terminals for specific FPGA I/O items.

  1. Create a new VI or open an existing VI under an FPGA target that also contains FPGA I/O items.
  2. Add an FPGA I/O Node to the block diagram.
  3. Click the element section of the FPGA I/O Node to add a new FPGA I/O item or select an FPGA I/O item you previously added to the project. You can select any FPGA I/O item you want to use, regardless of the type of I/O resource. The new FPGA I/O item appears in the FPGA I/O Node. Alternatively, you can write reusable code by wiring an FPGA I/O control to the FPGA I/O In input of the FPGA I/O Node.

You can expand the FPGA I/O Node to add additional FPGA I/O items. Right-click an FPGA I/O item in the FPGA I/O Node and select Add Element from the shortcut menu. A new I/O Item terminal appears in the FPGA I/O Node. You then can repeat step 3 above to configure the new I/O Item terminal.

Tip   You also can expand the FPGA I/O Node by clicking the upper or lower edge of the node with the Positioning tool and dragging the edge up or down. LabVIEW automatically fills in each additional terminal with FPGA I/O items in the order they appear in the Project Explorer window. You can change the order in which the FPGA I/O items appear in the Project Explorer window prior to expanding the node. In the Project Explorer window, select the FPGA I/O item under the FPGA target and drag it to the position you want it to appear.