Run-Time Menu Error Codes

The Menu functions and VI Server properties and methods can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
1158 One or more application items already exist.
1159 Cannot find one or more application items.
1160 Illegal menu.
1161 Cannot find the menu because the front panel is not open.
1162 Cannot find one or more tags.
1163 Illegal shortcut.
1164 Cannot modify an application menu item.
1165 Cannot find the menu.
1166 One or more illegal menu item indexes.
1167 Cannot insert a group item as a menu bar item.
1168 Exceeded the maximum number of menus for this platform. The VI will use the default run-time menu.
1169 Cannot select the menu item because it is disabled or has a submenu attached to it.
1318 Run-time menu shortcuts are not supported for this type of menu.
1404 Cannot insert or delete menu items while LabVIEW is tracking this menu. This error occurs when you use the Insert Menu Items or Delete Menu Items function to add or remove a menu item while a user is interacting with the menu. After LabVIEW processes a menu activation event, LabVIEW begins to track that menu. For example when you navigate through menus with the mouse or the keyboard, LabVIEW tracks that menu. While LabVIEW is tracking a menu, LabVIEW cannot insert or delete items from that menu.
1437 This application menu item has been removed. Menu item tags that existed in previous versions of LabVIEW as LabVIEW application item tags cannot be used.
1615 LabVIEW cannot build a path to an .rtm file from the VI being saved. If you save the VI on disk, make sure that the .rtm file is saved on the same machine. If you save the VI to a network location, make sure that the .rtm file is on the same network.