LabVIEW Object-Oriented Programming Error Codes

VIs related to LabVIEW object-oriented programming return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
1371 Class library could not be loaded.
1373 Class could not be loaded.
1392 LabVIEW classes do not support Revert if the library version has been bumped. There is insufficient information to undo a change to the live data in controls and indicators. To revert current changes, you must unload the class and all VIs that reference the class without saving any changes and then reload from disk.
1393 The LabVIEW class is not in memory. This dynamic subVI cannot execute.
1394 This dynamic subVI cannot execute because the needed member VI cannot be found. Probe the wire going into the dynamic terminal to see the data type. Then open that LabVIEW class. Open the member VI of the class that has the same name as the dynamic subVI.
1400 Attempted to read flattened data of a LabVIEW class. The flat data could not be converted to the requested type because the flat data is not the same as the requested type nor is it the same as any child class of the requested type.
1401 Attempted to read flattened data of a LabVIEW class. The version of the class currently in memory is older than the version of the data. You must find a newer version of the class to load this data.
1402 Attempted to read flattened data of a LabVIEW class. The data was written by an old version of the class and the class in memory no longer supports loading and mutating data from that older version.
1403 Attempted to read flattened data of a LabVIEW class. The data is corrupt. LabVIEW could not interpret the data as any valid flattened LabVIEW class.
1446 The class of object in did not match the class of target object at run-time.
1448 Bad type cast. LabVIEW cannot treat the run-time value of this LabVIEW class as an instance of the given LabVIEW class.
1486 This property or method cannot be executed on a reference that refers to a LabVIEW class loaded in a different application instance.
1521 Cannot read the value of a control that contains placeholder data.
1525 You cannot read the value of a control when the class that defines the data is not available. You must load a missing LabVIEW class file to make this data readable.
1527 Attempted to read flattened data of a LabVIEW class that is not currently loaded into LabVIEW. Load the missing class to be able to unflatten this data.
1530 The running VI attempted to make a subVI call into a top-level VI. LabVIEW does not allow calls into top-level VIs.
1531 The LabVIEW class data cannot be unflattened because the class is broken. You must fix problems with the class before LabVIEW can unflatten data of this class.
1572 The long name of the property is not unique. LabVIEW class properties must have unique long names. The long name you specified already exists for another LabVIEW class property.
1598 The requested path does not match a LabVIEW class in memory.
1600 The specified method was not found on the specified LabVIEW class.
1601 Although the requested class (or one of its ancestors) does have a member VI of the requested name, that VI is not actually a method. Either it has no input terminal of the class type or it is a non-runnable kind of VI, like a global VI, control VI, or poly VI.
1602 The value supplied for the enum input is not supported on this method or property.
1609 This class cannot load into this application instance. Classes cannot have edits when loaded in multiple application instances. This class attempted to load into a new application instance where some dependency of the class, such as a type definition or nested class, is loaded from a different path than the application instance in which the class is already loaded.
1612 You attempted to invoke a dynamic dispatch VI statically. The object you supplied for the dynamic dispatch terminal has an override VI for the chosen method that is not the same as the VI you specified. LabVIEW does not allow callers to directly invoke ancestor versions of the object's method.
1613 Calls to remote application instances are not supported for dynamic dispatch VIs.