Shared Variable Error Codes

Shared variables can return the following error codes. Shared variables also can return Real-Time Shared Variable error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
−1950679041 The prototype of a shared variable whose data type is custom cannot be an empty variant.
−1950679040 The value from this shared variable might not be the most current value from the data source.
−1950679039 Sensor failure
−1950679038 General device error response.
−1950679037 The shared variable specified in the binding URL does not exist in the process. Ensure that all shared variables are deployed and the variable identifier URL is correct.
−1950679036 General communications failure.
−1950679035 Unable to locate the shared variable in the Shared Variable Engine (SVE). Deployment of this shared variable may have failed, the SVE has not started, or the SVE is too busy to respond to this request.
−1950679034 The shared variable has no value. If you receive this error while trying to read a shared variable, refer to the KnowledgeBase at for more information.
−1950679033 The shared variable is inactive.
−1950679032 Sensor inaccurate
−1950679031 Engineering unit limits exceeded.
−1950679030 Unspecified error
−1950679029 Math error
−1950679028 Communications link failure
−1950679027 NI-PSP has not connected to the server yet
−1950679026 DNS lookup failed for the server.
−1950679025 The server is not reachable.
−1950679024 Service lookup failed for the server.
−1950679023 The process specified in the binding URL does not exist. Ensure that all shared variables are deployed and the variable identifier URL is correct.
−1950679022 The process was not found or is not responding. If you receive this error while trying to programmatically deploy a library that contains shared variables , refer to the KnowledgeBase at for more information.
−1950679021 Failed to resolve URL for this shared variable.
−1950679020 Unable to access the shared variable. This error can occur if you attempt to read from a write-only variable or write to a read-only variable, or if you do not have permission to access the variable.
−1950679019 Subscribe failed. This error can occur when a client attempts to connect to a host using Logos, when the host only supports LogosXT.
−1950679018 Invalid URL for this shared variable.
−1950679016 Invalid float value.
−1950679015 Invalid Boolean value.
−1950679014 Value attribute not found.
−1950679013 Invalid access type.
−1950679012 Missing access type.
−1950679011 Invalid URL syntax.
−1950679010 Shared variable is bound but the path or URL is not specified.
−1950679009 A path and URL are both specified.
−1950679008 Invalid value for the Enable Aliasing option. On the Variable page of the Shared Variable Properties dialog box, verify the values of the options that are enabled when you place a checkmark in the Enable Aliasing checkbox.
−1950679007 A value is missing for the Enable Aliasing option. On the Variable page of the Shared Variable Properties dialog box, verify the values of the options that are enabled when you place a checkmark in the Enable Aliasing checkbox.
−1950679006 Invalid value for Single Writer option. This option is available only for network-published shared variables.
−1950679005 You must select a name for the shared variable.
−1950679001 Buffer size must be greater than 1.
−1950679000 Array length must be greater than or equal to 2.
−1950678999 Data points in waveform must be greater than or equal to 1.
−1950678998 Global variables can only be accessed from the local machine.
−1950678997 You cannot use a Variable Node of this type on this target.
−1950678996 The variable configuration is invalid. Edit the variable properties to correct the configuration.
−1950678995 Variable has undefined data type.
−1950678994 Variable has invalid data type.
−1950678993 The Raw Full Scale value must be greater than the Raw Zero Scale value.
−1950678992 The Raw Scale and/or Engineering Scale is invalid.
−1950678991 The Engineering Full Scale value should not be equal to Engineering Zero Scale value.
−1950678990 Scaling type attribute not specified.
−1950678989 Scaling ranges not fully specified.
−1950678988 The number of arrays, elements, and points per waveform must be greater than or equal to 1.
−1950678987 This piece of configuration does not exist for this type of variable.
−1950678986 Unspecified shared variable error.
−1950678985 Invalid variable name. The name of a variable cannot start with a single quote ('), start or end with a space, or contain a backslash, forward slash, or any of the following backslash '\' codes: \r \n \t \b \s.
−1950678984 Variable names can have a maximum of 255 characters.
−1950678983 The array sizes in the network buffer must be greater than or equal to the array sizes in the real-time FIFO buffer. The waveform sizes in the network buffer must be greater than or equal to the waveform sizes in the real-time FIFO buffer. To correct this error, ensure that the values of the Array Size and Waveform Size options on the Variable page of the Shared Variable Properties dialog box are greater than or equal to the corresponding values of the Array Size and Waveform Size options on the Real-Time FIFO page of the Shared Variable Properties dialog box.
−1950678982 The shared variable client-side read buffer is full.
−1950678981 The shared variable client-side read buffer overflowed.
−1950678980 The shared variable server-side write buffer is full.
−1950678979 The shared variable server-side write buffer overflowed.
−1950678978 The project that contains the project library you want to add a shared variable to must be open.
−1950678977 Unable to deploy the library because the name is reserved. You cannot deploy a library named "System", "LV", or "FP". You also cannot deploy a library with a name that starts with "NI_".
−1950678959 The specified I/O Variable is configured with a timeout, but timeouts are not supported when accessing an I/O variable locally.
−1950678954 The string for the Variable Engine or protocol portion of the URL is invalid. You cannot use the characters _~!$&'()*,;=:/?#[]@ in their decoded form. To specify one of these characters in a URL, you must replace these characters with their percent-encoded UTF-8 equivalents.
−1950678953 The URL is invalid. The URL uses the general form [Variable Engine]:// or ni.dex://, which indicates a host name should follow, but the URL does not specify a host name. To correct the problem, specify the host name of the computer that hosts the resource. If the resource hosts on the same computer where the VI is running, you can use the host name localhost or you can omit the host name. For variables, use URL format [Variable Engine]:/[Container Name]/[Variable Name]. For network stream endpoints use URL format ni.dex:/[Endpoint Name].
−1950678948 The path in the URL is invalid. The path contains one or more of the reserved characters /?#[]!$&*+;=, which you cannot use in their decoded form. To identify resources that contain these characters as part of their name, replace the reserved character with its percent-encoded UTF-8 equivalent form. For example, ni.var.psp://localhost/PathSegment1/channel#1 becomes ni.var.psp://localhost/PathSegment1/channel%231 where %23 is the percent encoded UTF-8 equivalent form for the # character.
−1950678945 The host name specified in the variable identifier URL does not correspond to the local host, but the specified variable engine URL only supports an operation on the local host. You cannot perform the specified operation on a remotely hosted variable or stream endpoint. Use the PSP Variable Engine URL (ni.var.psp) to read or write a network-published I/O variable or I/O alias remotely.
−1950678944 The Class Identifier property of the variable object specified in the variable identifier URL is incompatible with the refnum configuration. The class of the variable object is not equivalent to or does not derive from the class you configured for the refnum. This error might occur if you try to reference a Variable object, but the specified variable identifier URL does not reference a Variable.
−1950678943 Timed out while attempting to open a connection to the variable.
−1950678942 Scaling coerce attribute not specified.
−1950678941 An empty string is not a valid URL. If you want to reference the root container within a variable engine, you need to specify the path explicitly using one of the following URL formats: "[Variable Engine]://[Host Name]", "[Variable Engine]:", or "/".
−1950678934 Requires an open variable connection to read or write the specified property.