Regular Expression Error Codes

The Match Regular Expression function returns these errors. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
−4702 One of the string parameters contains a null character. LabVIEW does not support null characters for regular expression matching.
−4701 The maximum recursion limit was reached while attempting the regular expression match This error is typically due to an inefficient regular expression being used in a long input string.
−4644 An invalid UTF-8 string was used in a regular expression or input string.
−4643 Two named groups have the same name. Two named groups (using "(?P<name>)") have the same name.
−4642 There is a syntax error after (?P. An invalid "(?P" (named parentheses expression) was found in a regular expression.
−4641 An unrecognized character was encountered after (?P. An unrecognized character was encountered after a "(?P" expression. Acceptable characters are "<", ">", or "=".
−4640 A recursive call could loop indefinitely. A recursive call was used in a regular expression that could loop indefinitely. A recursion call on an empty match cause an infinite loop.
−4632 UTF-8 is not supported. The Match Regular Expression function does not support UTF-8 character encoding.
−4631 POSIX collating elements are not supported. Also, POSIX classes are allowed only within character classes. Ex: "[0-9]" or "[[:digit:]]" are valid while "[[.ch.]]", "[[=e=]]", and "[:digit:]" are not.
−4630 Unknown POSIX class name. An unrecognized POSIX class name appeared in a regular expression.
−4629 A (?R or (?digits expression must be followed by ). A recursion or subroutine did not have a right parenthesis in the proper place. Ex: "(?1)" or "(?R)" is valid while "(?1" or "(?R" is not.
−4628 An assertion is expected after (?(. A conditional must either refer to a partial match (ex: "(?(1)a)"), a recursion (ex: "(?(R)a)"), or an assertion (ex: "(?(?<a)b)").
−4627 A conditional group contains more than two branches. A conditional group may only contain one or two branches. Ex: "(a)(?(1)b|12)" is valid, while "(a)(?(1)b|12|cd)" is not.
−4626 There is a malformed number after (?(. A malformed number was used for a subroutine call in a regular expression.
−4625 A lookbehind assertion is not a fixed length. Lookbehind assertions may not use quantifiers.
−4624 The regular expression contains an unrecognized character after (?<. You must follow (?< with the character = (ex: "(?<=a)") or ! (ex: "(?<!a)").
−4622 There is an unmatched parenthesis in a regular expression.
−4621 Failed to get the memory for regular expression matching.
−4620 The regular expression is too large. The limit is 65536 characters.
−4619 Parentheses are nested too deeply. A regular expression has parentheses that are nested too deeply. The limit is 200.
−4618 A ) is missing after a comment. A comment (ex: "(?# comment )") is missing a right parenthesis.
−4615 There is a reference to non-existent subpattern. A back reference (ex: "\1") in a regular expression refers to a non-existent subpattern.
−4614 A ) is missing. A regular expression is missing a right parenthesis.
−4613 POSIX named classes are supported only within a class. A POSIX named class (ex: "[:digit:]") can only appear within a character class ("[[:digit:]]").
−4612 There is an unrecognized character after (?. An unrecognized character appeared after a '(?' sequence in a regular expression.
−4609 There is nothing to repeat. A quantifier was used in a place that does not allow repetition. For example, a quantifier may not appear at the beginning of a regular expression.
−4608 A range is out of order in a character class. Ranges in character classes must have the lowest character first. For example, [a-z] is valid while [z-a] is not.
−4607 A character class contains an invalid escape sequence.
−4606 A character class is missing a ']' terminator. If you meant to match a literal '[', escape it with a backslash (i.e., "\[").
−4605 A number in the {} quantifier is too large. The number in a {} quantifier must be less than 65536.
−4604 In the regular expression, the numbers within the quantifier {} are out of order. In a {} quantifier, the first number must be less than or equal to the second.
−4603 An unrecognized character follows a '\'. A regular expression contains an unrecognized escape sequence.
−4602 A regular expression must not end with '\c'. You must follow a '\c' in a regular expression by another character to denote a control character.
−4601 A regular expression must not end with '\'. Use the backslash ('\') character to mark special characters or to mark a special character to remove its special meaning. To match a literal backslash, use a double backslash ("\").
−4600 An unknown error occurred during the regular expression match. An unknown error occurred during the regular expression match.