OPC UA Error Codes

The OPC UA VIs can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
−356702 The OPC UA server has reached the maximum number of subscriptions allowed.
−356701 The port you specified for creating the server is occupied.
−356699 LabVIEW cannot find the certificate or private key file. Ensure the file exists and the specified file path is valid.
−356698 Unable to locate the host. Ensure the hostname is valid or use the IP address.
−356697 The OPC UA client failed to establish a secure connection to the OPC UA server. Either the OPC UA server does not trust the certificate file that the OPC UA client uses or the system time of the server machine is out of the valid time range of the certificate file that the OPC UA client uses. You must ensure that the OPC UA server trusts the certificate file that the OPC UA client uses. If you do not specify a certificate file for the OPC UA client to use, ensure that the OPC UA server trusts the default certificate file of the OPC UA client. You must also ensure that the system time of the server machine is within the valid time range of the certificate file. You can find the valid time range by opening the certificate file.
−356696 Value in the OPC UA server contains a syntax error.
−356695 The OPC UA server does not support the specified security policy .
−356694 The OPC UA server does not support the specified message mode.
−356683 The requested operation is not supported or one or more parameter specified in the requested operation are not supported.
−356677 The node path refers to a node that does not exist in the server address space.
−356676 The OPC UA server cannot recognize the node in the request of the OPC UA client.
−356653 The status of the OPC UA server is uncertain.
−356650 The view version is not available or is not supported.
−356648 The view timestamp is not available or is not supported.
−356647 The view ID does not refer to a valid view node.
−356646 The user does not have permission to perform the requested operation.
−356645 The OPC UA client cannot recognize the response from the OPC UA server.
−356644 An unexpected error occurred.
−356643 The request cannot be processed because the request specified too many operations.
−356641 The operation timed out.
−356640 The subscription ID is not valid. Ensure the ID refers to a subscription that you have already created.
−356639 The operation was cancelled because the application is shutting down.
−356638 The session cannot be used because you have not activated this session.
−356637 The session has been closed by the OPC UA client.
−356636 The OPC UA client failed to close a session. Verify that the session is active.
−356635 The OPC UA server does not support the requested service.
−356634 The server URI is not valid.
−356633 You cannot complete the operation before you connect the OPC UA client to the OPC UA server.
−356632 The OPC UA server has stopped and cannot process any requests.
−356631 An error occurred when the OPC UA server was verifying the security policy.
−356630 The secure channel you specified is no longer valid.
−356629 An operating system resource is not available.
−356628 The header for the request is missing or invalid.
−356627 The OPC UA client cannot read the response message from the OPC UA server, because the message size exceeds the specified limits.
−356626 The OPC UA server cannot read the request message from the OPC UA client, because the message size exceeds the specified limits.
−356625 The OPC UA client has cancelled the request.
−356624 Not enough memory to complete this operation.
−356623 No operation executed because the OPC UA client passed a list of operations with no elements.
−356622 The nonce does not appear to be a random value or is not correct in length.
−356621 The timestamp is out of the range the OPC UA server allows.
−356620 The operation cannot complete. Possible reason is that the OPC UA server is shut down.
−356619 The OPC UA server failed to validate one or more parameters in the OPC UA client request.
−356618 The OPC UA client cannot connect to the OPC UA server because the OPC UA server rejected the security policy, username, or password.
−356617 The OPC UA client cannot connect to the OPC UA server because the security policy, username, or password is invalid.
−356616 The message encoding and decoding limits imposed by the stack have been exceeded.
−356615 Encoding halted because of invalid data in the serialized objects.
−356614 Decoding halted because of invalid data in the stream.
−356613 The extension object cannot be serialized or deserialized because the data type ID is not recognized.
−356611 You cannot use the certificate for the requested operation.
−356610 The certificate is not trusted.
−356609 The certificate URI in the OPC UA client request does not match the certificate URI that the OPC UA server expects.
−356608 The certificate has expired or is not yet valid.
−356607 The certificate has been revoked.
−356606 Unable to determine if the certificate has been revoked.
−356605 The certificate provided by OPC UA server is not valid. Ensure the OPC UA client trusts the OPC UA server certificate.
−356603 An issuer certificate has expired or is not yet valid.
−356602 You cannot use the issuer certificate for the requested operation.
−356601 Unable to determine if the issuer certificate has been revoked.
−356600 The host name that you use to connect to an OPC UA server does not match a host name in the certificate.
−356530 The syntax of node path is incorrect.
−356529 You must select at least one security policy.
−356528 You cannot remove a certificate when the OPC UA server is running.
−356527 You cannot add a certificate when the OPC UA server is running.
−356526 The initial value of a node in the OPC UA server address space is uncertain.
−356525 The sensor from which the value is derived by the device or data source failed.
−356524 The device or data source that generates the value failed.
−356523 The node you want to delete does not exist in the address space.
−356522 You cannot add a node when the OPC UA server is running.
−356521 You cannot delete a node when the OPC UA server is running.
−356520 Unable to remove one or more certificate files.
−356519 Unable to add one or more certificate files.
−356517 The client refnum input is not valid.
−356516 The server refnum input is not valid.
−356515 The data type of the node does not match the data type of the value to write.
−356514 The data type of the node does not match the expected data type.
−356512 An error occurred when writing to the node.
−356511 An error occurred when reading the node.
−356510 The OPC UA server does not support this feature.
−356509 The node you want to add already exists in the address space.
−356508 Unable to add a node to the address space.
−356507 Unable to add a property to the address space.
−356506 Unable to add an item to the address space.
−356505 Unable to add a folder to the address space.
−356504 Unable to find a node in the address space.
−356503 This node does not support read and write operations.
−356502 Not enough memory to complete this operation.
−356500 An internal error occurred as a result of a programming or configuration error.