3D Picture Control Error Codes
- Updated2025-01-28
- 2 minute(s) read
3D Picture Control Error Codes
The 3D Picture Control VIs return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.
Code | Description |
1456 | Light cannot accept specified index. The light index must be in the range: 0 <= index < MAX_LIGHT_INDEX, where MAX_LIGHT_INDEX is implementation dependent. |
1457 | Passed an invalid index to the clip plane. The clip plane index must be in the range: 0 ≤ index < MAX_CLIP_PLANES, where MAX_CLIP_PLANES is implementation dependent, but must be at least 6. |
1458 | Matrices must be arrays of 2 dimensions of size 4. |
1459 | The scene contains a value that LabVIEW does not support. |
1460 | Color component not in accepted range. All components of a color (red, green, blue, alpha) must be in the range 0.0 to 1.0. |
1461 | Bad value for the shininess of the material. The shininess value must be in the range of 0.0 to 128.0. |
1462 | Cannot write this value. This value is inherited from this node's parent. |
1463 | This scene is missing expected nodes or contains nodes that LabVIEW does not support. |
1464 | Fog start and fog end cannot be the same. |
1465 | Bad value for point size. You must pass a positive number for this value. |
1466 | Bad value. You must pass a positive number for this value. |
1467 | Bad value. Value must be 0 < Value ≤ 1. |
1471 | Bad value passed for spotlight cutoff. The cutoff value must be in the range of 0 to 90, or be the special value 180 (no cutoff). |
1472 | Bad value passed for the exponent of a spotlight. The exponent must be in the range 0 to 128. |
1473 | Bad value passed for light attenuation. Value must be greater than or equal to 0. |
1474 | Bad value or array configuration. You must pass either an empty 2D array or a 2D array that is at least 2 elements in each dimension. |
1475 | Bad pixmap cluster. The pixmap cluster passed is inconsistent and does not describe a valid picture. |
1476 | Cannot add the specified node. Adding this node to the scene would result in a cyclic graph. This is not permitted. |
1477 | An index in the mesh is greater than the number of elements in the element array. |
1478 | Bad texture index size. The mesh must have no texture indices or at least one texture index for every vertex. |
1481 | The libraries that support 3D rendering and operations are missing. This property or method cannot function without these libraries. |
1482 | The view direction either cannot be determined or is colinear with the up vector. |
1520 | Font not found. LabVIEW cannot find the font at the specified path, or the font is not a True Type (.ttf) font. Ensure that the path you wired to the Font Path property is correct. |
1539 | Valid stipple factors are 1 - 256 |
1540 | Cannot pass a degenerate vector for the normal of an object. |
1541 | This property or method is not valid because the object is not billboarded. |
1542 | You must set the drawable of the object before you configure billboard parameters. |
1543 | Cannot pass an empty position list for billboarding. |