Source Control Error Codes
- Updated2025-01-28
- 5 minute(s) read
Source Control Error Codes
The Source Control VIs and VI Server properties and methods can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.
Code | Description |
−2985 | The LabVIEW project is configured not to use source control. You must enable source control in order to perform source control operations. Select Project>>Properties to configure source control settings for the LabVIEW project. |
−2984 | The source control settings for the LabVIEW project require a different source control provider than what is configured for the LabVIEW environment. Select Tools»Source Control»Configure Source Control to change the source control provider for the LabVIEW environment. |
−2983 | LabVIEW could not access the source control provider. The LabVIEW source control configuration settings are not valid for this session or a timeout occurred. Select Tools»Source Control»Configure Source Control to reconfigure source control. If you receive this error while running an application that uses Source Control VIs, refer to the KnowledgeBase at for more information. |
−2982 | The specified file is not a valid LabVIEW file type. Enter a path to an existing LabVIEW file, such as a VI or control. |
−2981 | An error occurred while comparing the specified file. The local file is not the latest version in source control. Select Tools>>Source Control>>Get Latest Version to copy the latest version to the local directory if you want to perform a comparison. |
−2980 | The value of an input parameter is out of range. |
−2979 | The source control configuration data is invalid, corrupted, or missing. Verify that the data is valid for the source control provider you selected during configuration. |
−2978 | The number of files input does not match the version information input. Make sure the two inputs contain the same number of elements. |
−2977 | The input file type is not compatible with the file retrieval method. |
−2976 | Invalid source control reference. |
−2975 | No valid file paths were specified. You must enter at least one valid file path. |
−2974 | An error occurred while uninitializing the source control provider. |
−2973 | An error occurred while loading the source control DLL. The source control provider might have been moved or removed without a registry update. You might need to reinstall the source control provider. |
−2972 | An internal error occurred during the source control operation. |
−2971 | An error occurred while accessing the source control provider. The specified provider was not found. |
−2970 | You cannot perform source control operations until you configure source control in LabVIEW. Select Tools»Source Control»Configure Source Control to configure source control. |
−2964 | You cannot perform the specified source control operation on files marked as Open for Add or Open for Delete. Submit these files to the source control provider before you attempt the operation. |
−2963 | The changelist does not include a valid description. Verify that the description is not empty and does not contain the default text. |
−2962 | Unable to locate or run the administration tool from the source control provider. |
−2961 | All files in a single submit operation must be the latest version, checked out to the user, not locked by another user, and under source control. |
−2960 | The specified files are not in the same changelist. All files in a single submit operation must be in the same changelist. |
−2955 | An error occurred during the specified source control operation. |
−2954 | A connection with the source control provider already exists. Disconnect from the current source control provider before you open a new connection. |
−2953 | The specified source control provider is not compatible with LabVIEW. The source control provider does not support required LabVIEW functionality. On Windows, LabVIEW integrates with any source control provider that supports the Microsoft Source Code Control interface. On non-Windows platforms, LabVIEW integrates with Perforce using a command line interface. |
−2952 | The length of an input parameter exceeds the maximum allowed value. |
−2951 | The specified source control operation cannot run because the source control provider is not initialized. |
−2950 | The specified option is invalid. |
−2929 | A failure occurred in the connection with the source control provider. |
−2928 | Unable to locate the local copy of the specified file. |
−2927 | An error occurred while opening a source control project or accessing a file. An input value uses invalid file syntax. |
−2926 | The user is not allowed to perform this operation. |
−2925 | An error occurred while performing the specified operation. No source control project is open. |
−2924 | An error occurred while opening a source control project or accessing a file. The specified path is invalid. |
−2923 | An error occurred while opening the specified source control project. An input value uses invalid syntax for the source control project syntax. |
−2922 | The specified source control project is already open. |
−2921 | An error occurred while logging into the source code provider. The specified user login is invalid. Verify the login information you entered. |
−2920 | An error occurred within the source control provider program, such as shell failure. |
−2919 | An error occurred during file check-in. The specified file was automatically merged but was not checked in because you must resolve a merge conflict manually. |
−2918 | An error occurred during file check-in. The specified file was automatically merged but was not checked in, pending user verification. |
−2917 | An error occurred while adding a file to source control. The source control provider does not support the file type (binary or text). |
−2916 | The source control provider did not perform the specified operation. |
−2915 | The source control provider returned a non-specific error. The specified operation was not performed. |
−2914 | The source control provider does not support the specified operation. |
−2913 | The version of the file you specified does not exist or was not specified correctly. Specify a valid version or date and time. |
−2912 | An error occurred while retrieving or removing the specified file. The file is currently checked out, so the provider is unable to retrieve or remove it. |
−2911 | The specified file is not under source control. |
−2910 | An error occurred while adding a file to source control. The specified file is in source control already. |
−2909 | File check-in did not occur because of a conflict error. Another user has checked in the file. |
−2908 | An error occurred while accessing source control. Check for network or contention problems. |
−2907 | An error occurred while checking out a file. The specified file is exclusively checked out by another user. |
−2906 | An error occurred while checking out a file. The specified file is locked. |
−2905 | An error occurred while checking out a file. The specified file already is checked out. |
−2904 | An error occurred while checking in or undoing the check out of a file. The specified file is not checked out to the current user. |
−2903 | An error occurred while opening the specified source control project. The source control provider could not create the source control project. |
−2902 | An error occurred while opening the specified source control project. The source control provider does not recognize the project name. Verify that the project name and location are correct. |
−2901 | An error occurred during source control provider initialization. |