Networking Error Codes
- Updated2025-01-28
- 7 minute(s) read
Networking Error Codes
VIs and functions that use TCP connections in LabVIEW and VI Server properties and methods can return the following error codes. This includes TCP, UDP, DataSocket, Bluetooth, and IrDA VIs and functions, remote front panel connections, and VI Server applications. Remote front panels also can return additional error messages.
Code | Description |
−2147467263 | Not implemented. |
−2147024809 | One or more arguments are invalid. |
−1967390712 | Cannot resolve name to a network address. |
−1967390711 | Network operation timed out. |
−1967390703 | Could not resolve service to a port address. |
−1967390702 | Timed out while trying to connect to peer. |
−1967390686 | Computer name is not present in the URL. |
−1967390685 | Computer name starts with a non-alphabetic character. |
−1967390684 | Computer name contains an invalid character. |
−1967390683 | Process name is not present in the URL. |
−1967390682 | Process name contains an invalid character. |
−1967390681 | Point or tag name is not present in the URL. |
−1967390680 | Point or tag name contains an invalid character. |
−1967390672 | Empty component in point or tag name. |
−1967390668 | Thread initiation failed. |
−1967390464 | URL does not start with two slashes. |
−1967390463 | URL starts with more than two slashes. |
−1967390462 | URL contains two consecutive delimiters. |
−1967390460 | Unbalanced quotation marks in URL. |
53 | Manager call not supported. |
54 | The network address is ill-formed. Make sure the address is in a valid format. For TCP/IP, the address can be either a machine name or an IP address in the form If this error occurs when specifying a machine name, make sure the machine name is valid. Try to ping the machine name. Check that you have a DNS server properly configured. If you are using the TCP Open Connection function, ensure that the value of the remote port or service name is not 0. |
55 | The network operation is in progress. |
56 | The network operation exceeded the user-specified or system time limit. |
57 | The network connection is busy. |
58 | The network function is not supported by the system. |
59 | The network is down, unreachable, or has been reset. |
60 | The specified port or network address is currently in use. Select an available port or network address. |
61 | The system could not allocate the necessary memory. |
62 | The system caused the network connection to be aborted. |
63 | The network connection was refused by the server. For TCP/IP, make sure the server is running and listening on the port you want to use. Firewalls also can cause a server to refuse a connection. For VI Server, make sure the VI Server is enabled on the VI Server page of the Options dialog box. |
64 | The network connection is not yet established. |
65 | The network connection is already established. |
66 | The network connection was closed by the peer. If you are using the Open VI Reference function on a remote VI Server connection, verify that the machine is allowed access by selecting Tools»Options»VI Server on the server side. |
108 | Singlecast connections cannot send to multicast addresses. |
109 | Multicast connections cannot send to singlecast addresses. |
110 | Specified IP address is not in multicast address range. |
111 | Cannot write to read-only multicast connection. |
112 | Cannot read from write-only multicast connection. |
113 | A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram was smaller than the datagram itself. |
114 | Could not create TCP listener port because the port, service name, or net address conflict with a TCP listener that already exists. |
119 | Illegal combination of Bluetooth discoverable and non-connectable modes. A discoverable Bluetooth system is connectable, and non-connectable Bluetooth system is non-discoverable. The combination of discoverable and non-connectable is illegal. |
120 | Error setting Bluetooth mode. Unknown internal error encountered while setting Bluetooth mode. |
121 | Invalid GUID string. The GUID string has an invalid format. An example of the correct format is: B62C4E8D-62CC-404b-BBBF-BF3E3BBB1374. |
126 | Could not query socket state. Either the socket is in a bad state (e.g. an error state, not connected, and so on) and the requested information is not available, or the socket is unable to answer the query. |
127 | The specified socket is not an IPv4 socket. |
128 | Open connection limit exceeded. The application has exceeded the maximum number of open sockets allowed by the “Max_Sockets” INI token. |
1101 | Insufficient privileges to read, write, or create an item in the DataSocket Server. Use the DataSocket Server Manager to configure these privileges. |
1114 | This item is read-only. You must connect in read mode. |
1115 | This item is write-only. You must connect in write mode. |
1132 | Busy with another operation. |
1133 | LabVIEW is busy connecting. |
1134 | A different read operation is in progress. |
1139 | A DataSocket item name cannot contain certain characters. This error occurs if the DataSocket item name contains "/", "\", "?", "=", or "&". |
1140 | Exceeded maximum DataSocket item count. Use the DataSocket Server Manager to change the maximum number of dynamically created items the data server will allow. |
1141 | Exceeded maximum data item connection count. Use the DataSocket Server Manager to change the maximum number of connections the data server will allow. |
1142 | Multiple writers are not allowed. You can use the Shared Variable Properties dialog box to configure shared variables to accept multiple writers. |
1143 | Cannot load dataskt.llb. |
1178 | LabVIEW reached end of file. |
1179 | Access mode not supported for operation. |
1180 | Pending operation in progress. |
1181 | Protocol not recognized by LabVIEW. You must use a valid URL to establish a data connection. |
1182 | Error parsing URL. |
1183 | Synchronous operation not supported for connection. Append "?sync=true" to URL to enable synchronous operations with the PSP protocol. LabVIEW 8.0.1 and later support synchronous operations. |
1184 | Path not found, FTP login incorrect, or no FTP write permission. |
1185 | OPC item not found. |
1337 | Not enough memory to complete this remote panel operation. |
1338 | Network type not supported by remote panel protocol. |
1339 | Remote panel connection is closed. |
1340 | Invalid server IP address. Contact the server administrator to get the correct IP address or name of the computer to which you want to connect. |
1341 | Remote panel connection refused by the specified server. The server administrator must enable the LabVIEW Web Server. Verify that the Server IP Address and Port you entered in the Connect to Remote Panel dialog box are correct. |
1343 | Client does not have access to remote panel server. |
1344 | The remote panel protocol version is incompatible. The client and server computers must be running the same version of LabVIEW. If you are using a browser to view and control a remote front panel, you must use a version of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine compatible with the version of LabVIEW on the server computer. Also, be sure and contact the server administrator and have them make sure that the HTML document specifies the correct version of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. |
1345 | The LabVIEW client version is incompatible with the LabVIEW server version. Make sure you entered the IP address or computer name of the server correctly. |
1346 | Server does not support remote panels. |
1347 | You cannot connect to the local LabVIEW application. |
1348 | Remote panel server failed to send the requested VI. A memory or network problem occurred. This error might occur if you try to connect to a large front panel. Try to connect to the front panel again, or request that the server administrator modify the front panel so it uses less memory. |
1349 | Client does not have access to specified VI. The server administrator must specify the VIs that clients can view or control. |
1350 | Requested VI is broken and cannot be viewed or controlled. |
1351 | Requested VI is not a standard VI. You cannot view or control a polymorphic VI, custom control, or global variable VI remotely. |
1352 | Requested VI is not loaded into memory on the server computer. |
1353 | Requested VI is not in run mode. |
1354 | VI name required. |
1355 | Fatal error occurred during operation, closing connection. |
1356 | A remote panel connection does not exist for the specified VI. |
1369 | Removing data connection from this control. |
1383 | The data type of the data read does not match the data type of the type input. |
1509 | The response from the NI Service Locator is not a valid HTTP response. |
1510 | The requested service was not found as a registered service with the NI Service Locator. To correct this error, check that the desired service name is correct. If the service name is correct, check that either the TCP Create Listener, or the UDP Open functions are registering the service. |
1511 | The requested service is a registered service with the NI Service Locator but it did not contain a port mapping. The port number is missing or is registered incorrectly. |
1567 | The control is not located in the same VI as the control reference. You can link a control reference only to controls or indicators in the same VI. |
1583 | LabVIEW Real-Time target is already connected to a host VI. You cannot initiate a remote panel connection to a Real-Time target while also using a host VI to connect to the target. Choose only one method to connect to the target. |
2308 | Found no configured network adapters. |
363515 | The file exceeds the size limit on the server. |
363516 | Client does not have access to the specified resource (access is forbidden). |
363517 | Cannot find the remote file. |
363518 | The remote file already exists. |
363519 | Storage space limits on the server exceeded. |
363520 | The server does not recognize the transfer encoding. |
363521 | Number of redirects to other resources exceeded. |
363522 | The network communication socket is not ready. |
363523 | An unknown error occurred in the curl libraries. |
363524 | The specified protocol is invalid or unsupported. |