EPICS Error Codes

The EPICS VIs can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
−2067353911 The data type of a process variable in the EPICS Client I/O server does not match the data type of the corresponding process variable in the IOC.
−2067353910 The connection to the IOC was lost due to a network failure or an IOC error.
−2067353909 The EPICS Server I/O Server cannot be deployed because one or more PV source variables do not exist. Open the configuration dialog to check and correct broken source variables.
−311119 Failed to connect to the MAX database (MXS) when undeploying the EPICS Client I/O server.
−311118 Failed to connect to the MAX database (MXS) when deploying the EPICS Client I/O server.
−311117 Failed to connect to the MAX database (MXS) when creating the EPICS Client I/O server.
−311116 The specified access type is invalid for the EPICS Client I/O server.
−311115 The specified data type is invalid for the EPICS Client I/O server.
−311114 Unable to find the specified field name on the EPICS Client I/O server.
−311113 Unable to find the specified record name on the EPICS Client I/O server.
−311111 Failed to locate a network interface. Make sure you have properly configured a network interface. Then deploy the EPICS Server I/O server again.
−311110 Failed to load EPICS Base libraries. Make sure you have properly installed EPICS Base libraries.
−311109 The specified process variable (PV) name includes an invalid character. The valid character set for a PV name is: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, -, :, ., [, ], <, >, ;.
−311108 Unable to locate the process variable (PV).
−311107 Failed to connect to the MAX database (MXS) when removing an empty process or folder.
−311106 Failed to connect to the MAX database (MXS) when undeploying the EPICS Server I/O server.
−311105 Failed to connect to the MAX database (MXS) when deploying the EPICS Server I/O server.
−311104 Failed to connect to the MAX database (MXS) when creating a process or folder.
−311103 Failed to connect to the MAX database (MXS) when creating the EPICS Server I/O server.
−311102 The specified process variable (PV) name conflicts with an existing PV name.
−311101 The variable path must be a valid absolute URL or a machine-relative URL.
−311100 Not a URL or an invalid URL. The EPICS Client URL or EPICS Server URL must be an absolute URL or a machine-relative URL.
311100 Unable to get the host name from the variable path. The IP address is used to generate the default process variable (PV) name.
311101 The EPICS Server I/O server cannot support the specified data type. LabVIEW created a string type process variable.
311102 The EPICS Server I/O server cannot support the data type of the shared variable. LabVIEW created a string type process variable.
311103 Unable to get the data type of the shared variable. LabVIEW created a string type process variable.