Reports and Data Logs (TSM)

You can generate the following types of TSM reports and data logs. Enable and configure the corresponding TSM result processing plug-in to generate the report or data log.

  • Standard Test Data Format (STDF) Log—Standard file format for storing test station information, lot information, and semiconductor test result data. Use the STDF Log to generate an STDF log file that complies with the STDF version 4 specification. Use the STDF Log Options dialog box to specify settings for the STDF log.
  • Lot Summary Report—Text file that contains a summary of the semiconductor test results for the current lot of DUTs (test lot). Use the Lot Summary Report to gather lot, site, software bin, and hardware bin results in a human-readable ASCII text format. Use the Lot Summary Options dialog box to specify settings for the Lot Summary Report.
  • Debug Test Results Log—Human-readable text file that contains the measurement values and test limits for each test that executes on each site. The Debug Test Results Log result processor generates separate files for each site in the test program. Use the Debug Test Results Log to debug measurements and test configurations as a lot executes. Use the Debug Test Results Log Options dialog box to specify settings for the Debug Test Results Log.
    Note Enabling the Debug Test Results Log might affect the performance of a test program.
  • CSV Test Results Log—Human-readable text file that contains data in a comma-separated values text file, which provides better performance than the Debug Test Results Log result processor in a production environment. The CSV Test Results Log result processor generates a single file for all sites in the test program. You can open the .csv file directly in a spreadsheet application for analysis or to correlate test results. Use the CSV Test Results Log Options dialog box to specify settings for the CSV Test Results Log.
  • Keeping the Report pane open during execution negatively affects performance.
  • The STDF Log, the Debug Test Results Log, and the CSV Test Results Log contain only semiconductor test result data from Semiconductor Multi Test steps. These data logs do not contain result data from other types of steps. If you use a Sequence Call step to call a sequence that contains Semiconductor Multi Test steps, the data logs do contain the test result data from those steps unless you use the Use New Thread sequence call option or the Use New Execution sequence call option. When using these sequence call options to execute a sequence asynchronously, you must use a Wait step to wait for the thread or execution for the data logs to contain the test result data from the sequence.
  • You can configure the Lot Summary Report and Debug Test Results Logs in the Result Processing dialog box to display in the Report pane in the sequence editor and in the reports dialog box in the default operator interface. You cannot view the STDF Log or CSV Test Results Log in the sequence editor or default operator interface.

You can disable result recording by selecting the Disable Result Recording for All Sequences option on the Execution tab of the Station Options dialog box.