Debug Test Results Logs (TSM)

When testing a lot, you can generate a Debug Test Results Log of human-readable text that contains the measurement values and test limits for tests on all test steps that execute on each site. The Debug Test Results Log result processor generates a separate file for each site in the test program. You can use this data to debug test and chip design issues and to diagnose test issues on the tester itself.

  • Enabling the Debug Test Results Log might affect the performance of a test program. Perform the following benchmark to ensure there is no performance loss when enabling the Debug Test Results Log: In the operator interface, enable the Debug Test Results Log and run the test program. When the test program execution completes, subtract the socket time from the cycle time displayed in the statistics indicator to calculate the tester index. If the tester index time is less than handler/prober index time, enabling the Debug Test Results Log will not impact performance.
  • You can configure the Debug Test Results Logs in the Result Processing dialog box to display in the Report pane in the sequence editor and in the reports dialog box in the default operator interface.

The Debug Test Results Log contains the following sections for each DUT:

  • Header—Contains the Site Number, Batch Number, Part ID, and state of Offline Mode for each DUT tested. The Batch Number refers to the loop iteration when testing multiple DUTs. The Debug Test Results Log result processing plug-in populates the Part ID field from the TestStand SerialNumber property, which TSM sets to the values returned in the SitePartIds parameter of the StartOfTest handler/prober entry point.
    Note By default, if the handler/prober driver does not set the values in the SitePartIds parameter, TSM automatically assigns sequential numeric values to the SerialNumber property, which results in unique PART_ID field values. To disable the default behavior, set the GenerateUniquePartIds property of the NI_SemiconductorModule_StationSettings data type to False in the ConfigureStationSettings or GetStationSettings callback sequence.

    When the GenerateUniquePartIds property is True, TSM reassigns the same unique Part ID to the part when it is retested. Customize the behavior of GenerateUniquePartIds to assign a new unique Part ID to a part when it is retested .

  • Step Results—Contains the Step Name and all its corresponding tests.
  • Test Results—Contains the Test Number, Result, Test Name, Low Limit, Measurement Value, Correlation Offset (if used), High Limit, and Units.