Deploying TSM Test Programs

Complete the following steps to use the TestStand Deployment Utility to deploy a test program.

  1. Complete the following steps on the Mode tab of the deployment utility:
    1. Select the Deployable Image Only option.
    2. Select the Create new Full Deployment option. NI recommends that you create a new Full Deployment, save the deployment to increment the Deployment Version, and store the deployment in a source code control system each time you create or update a deployment.
  2. Complete the following steps on the System Source tab:
    1. Place a checkmark in the From Directory checkbox and specify the test program directory.
    2. Place a checkmark in the Include Subdirectories checkbox.
    3. In the Location of Deployable Image field, specify the location in which to save the deployable image.
  3. Click the Distributed Files tab and select Yes to analyze the source files.
  4. Click the Build Status tab to display the analysis results. Resolve any issues before completing the next step.
  5. Complete the following steps on the Distributed Files tab:
    1. Select the files to include in the distribution. Use the Distributed Files pull-down menu to filter the display.
    2. Click the LabVIEW Options button to launch the LabVIEW VI Options dialog box, which you use to specify LabVIEW options.
  6. In the LabVIEW VI Options dialog box, enable the following options in the Packed Project Library Options section of the dialog box and use the default values for the other options in this dialog box.
    • Output VIs to a Packed Project Library ()
    • Copy files from vi.lib before Build
    • Copy files from user.lib before Build
    • Copy files from instr.lib before Build
    Enabling these options increases the size of the distribution but allows the test program to more easily run in the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine (RTE).
  7. Click OK in the LabVIEW VI Options dialog box.
  8. Complete the following steps on the Distributed Files tab:
    1. Click the Save As button if this is the first time you are configuring a deployment for the test program to save the distribution configuration for the deployment. Click the Save button when you modify an existing deployment to increment the version number of the deployment.
    2. Click the Build button to build the distribution.
    3. Click the Save button to auto-increment the Deployment Version field on the Mode tab.
  9. Complete the remaining tasks in the Deployment Process Overview to transfer the deployment to a tester and validate the deployment.

Consider the NI recommendations for installers, LabVIEW code modules, .NET code modules, and protections for test programs and test limits as you design and create deployments for a semiconductor test system.