VeriStand .NET API Reference

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NationalInstruments.VeriStand.ClientAPI Namespace

August 2013, 373210D-01

The NI VeriStand Execution API includes the members of the NationalInstruments.VeriStand.ClientAPI assembly.

You can use this API to automate the operation of an NI VeriStand application. For example, you can read and write channel data, control running models, configure alarm states and read data from alarms, log real-time channel data to TDMS or text file on the host computer, and access Workspace tools. You can access this assembly from any .NET-compatible programming language or environment, including NI LabVIEW and NI TestStand.


The Windows firewall can block communication between an NI VeriStand client that sends commands and the NI VeriStand server that receives commands. If you encounter communication issues while using this API, create exceptions for the following ports on both the client and server machines:

  • TCP port 2035
  • TCP port 2036

© 2012-2013 National Instruments. All rights reserved.


AlarmInfoProvides information about and configures an individual alarm.
AlarmTriggerEventArgs Provides data about a triggered alarm for the OnAlarmTrigger2 event.
CalibrationUpdateEventArgs Provides data about channel calibration for the OnCalibrationUpdate event.
ChannelValueChangeEventArgs Provides data about channel value changes for the ChannelValueChangeEventHandler event.
ChannelValueWatcher This class essentially serves as a wrapper around the channel value change event (specific to one parameter) for the purpose of allowing access to this event easier to obtain from within LabVIEW. Constructing and destructing the object registers and unregisters, respectively, from the event. Then, LabVIEW users can register to the event within this class for use in the event structure in LabVIEW.
DeployOptions Defines the options that can be passed in along with the system definition file during deployment.
Factory Provides access to the NI VeriStand system and the various interfaces available in the Execution API. Any code you write using this API must include a Factory constructor to access NI VeriStand.
LogChannel Represents the logging properties for individual channels.
LogInfo Defines data log file configuration settings.
NodeInfoProvides information about and configures a node in the system definition file.
ParameterValueChangeEventArgs Provides data about model parameter value changes for the ParameterValueChanged and ParameterValueChangeEventHandler events.
ParameterValueWatcher This class essentially serves as a wrapper around the parameter value change event (specific to one parameter) for the purpose of allowing access to this event easier to obtain from within LabVIEW. Constructing and destructing the object registers and unregisters, respectively, from the event. Then, LabVIEW users can register to the event within this class for use in the event structure in LabVIEW.
SequenceCallInfo Provides information about a stimulus profile sequence.
SequenceCompleteEventArgs Event data returned when a sequence completes execution.
SequenceParameterAssignmentInfo Provides information about an input parameter of a real-time sequence.
SequenceStateChangeEventArgs Event data returned when the execution state of a real-time sequence changes.


IAlarm Interface to control and observe a specific alarm running on the target. Use the GetIAlarm method of the Factory class to access this interface.
IAlarmManager Interface to control and observe alarms running on a target.

The IAlarmManager2 interface inherits the members of this interface and provides extended functionality.

IAlarmManager2 Interface to control and observe alarms running on a target. Use the GetIAlarmManager2 method of the Factory class to access this interface.

This interface also inherits the methods of the IAlarmManager interface.

ICalibration Obsolete. This interface is obsolete in NI VeriStand 2012 and later. Use the ICalibration2 interface instead. Interface to get and set calibration settings for channels on the test system. Use the GetICalibration method of the Factory class to access this interface. This interface is associated with the legacy calibration feature.
ICalibration2 Interface to get and set calibration settings for channels on the test system. Use the GetICalibration2 method of the Factory class to access this interface.
IChannelFault Interface to view, set, and clear channel software faults. Use the GetIChannelFault method of the Factory class to access this interface.
IChannelMonitor Client Interface for Monitoring a Channel
ICustomDevice Interface to interact with custom devices in NI VeriStand. Use the GetICustomDevice method of the Factory class to access this interface.
IMacroPlayer Interface to the Macro Player tool. Use this interface to load and play back a macro (.nivsmacro) file you created using the IMacroRecorder interface. Use the GetIMacroPlayer method of the Factory class to access this interface.
IMacroRecorder Interface to the Macro Recorder tool. You can use the members of this interface to record commands the VeriStand Gateway sends to a target. You can save the recorded commands to a macro (.nivsmacro) file to later play back using the IMacroPlayer interface. Use the GetIMacroRecorder method of the Factory class to access this interface.
IModel Interface to control and observe a specific model running on the execution host. Use the GetIModel method of the Factory class to access this interface.
IModelManager Interface to control and observe models running on the first target. You must use the members of the IModelManager2 interface if you want to specify one of multiple targets.
IModelManager2 Interface to control and observe models running on an execution host. Use the GetIModelManager2 method of the Factory class to access this interface.

This interface also inherits the methods of the IModelManager interface.

IProject Interface to automate an NI VeriStand project. Use the GetIProject method of the Factory class to access this interface and specify the project you want to automate.
ISequenceControl Automates and monitors the execution of a sequence in a stimulus profile session.
IStimulus Some members of this interface are deprecated in NI VeriStand 2010 and later. Use the IStimulus2 interface instead.

Interface to control stimulus generation.

IStimulus2 Interface to control stimulus generation. Use the GetIStimulus2 method of the Factory class to access this interface.

This interface also inherits the methods of the IStimulus interface.

IStimulusProfileSession Interface to control and monitor Stimulus Profile Session execution.

Use the GetIStimulusProfileSession method of the Factory class to access this interface.

IUDPChannelStreamSession Interface for deploying and undeploying UDP Channel Stream sessions.

Use the GetIUDPChannelStreamSession method of the IWorkspace2 interface to access this interface.

IWorkspace Interface to perform basic workspace operations, such as getting and setting channel data.

The IWorkspace2 interface inherits the members of this interface and provides extended functionality.

IWorkspace2 Interface to perform basic workspace operations, such as getting, setting, and logging channel data.

This interface also inherits the methods of the IWorkspace interface.


DOnAlarmTrigger Represents the method that handles the OnAlarmTrigger event.
DOnAlarmTrigger2 Delegate to define the OnAlarmTrigger2 event handler.
DOnGatewayErrorNotification Delegate to define the OnGatewayErrorNotification event handler.
DOnGatewayStatusNotification Delegate to define the OnGatewayStatusNotification event handler.
DOnMacroCommandLine Delegate to define the OnMacroCommandLine event handler.
DOnMacroComplete Delegate to define the OnMacroComplete event handler.
DOnMacroErrorMessage Delegate to define the OnMacroErrorMessage event handler.
DOnMacroPercentComplete Delegate to define the OnMacroPercentComplete event handler.
DOnSequenceComplete Delegate to define the SequenceComplete event handler.
DOnSequenceStateChange Delegate to define the StateChange event handler.
DOnSessionComplete Delegate to define the SessionComplete event handler.
DOnSessionUndeploy Delegate to define the SessionUndeploy event handler.
DOnSystemStateChange Delegate to define the OnSystemStateChange event handler.


AlarmMode The operating mode of an alarm running on the target. The operating mode of an alarm specifies the action that occurs when the alarm is triggered.
AlarmPriority The priority of an alarm running on the target.
AlarmState The state of an alarm running on the target.
ByteOrder Specifies the byte order of data
CJCType The type of CJC sensor to use for thermocouple calibration.
LogInfo.trigger Sets the type of trigger to use for the log file.
ModelCommand Command to change the execution state of a model running on the target.
ModelState The execution state of a model running on the target.
PlayModeEnum The play mode of the Macro Player tool, which specifies the speed at which the tool plays back macro files.
PlayStateEnum The current state of the Macro Player tool.
ScaleType The type of calibration scale.
SequenceState The execution state of a sequence.
StimulusResult The result of stimulus generation.
StimulusState The state of the stimulus profile manager.
SystemState The current state of the system to which the VeriStand Gateway is connected.
TargetState The current state of the target.
TemperatureUnits The temperature units to use for thermocouple calibration.
ThermocoupleType The type of thermocouple to use for thermocouple calibration.
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