VeriStand .NET API Reference

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Product DocumentationVeriStand .NET API ReferenceNationalInstruments.VeriStand.ClientAPI.WaveformStreaming NamespaceCurrent page
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NationalInstruments.VeriStand.ClientAPI.WaveformStreaming Namespace

The members of this namespace configure streaming operations for waveform data.


StreamAllData Specifies a stream condition that is always true.
StreamFirstNSeconds Specifies a waveform streaming condition that is true during the first N seconds of waveform data after the waveform starts.
StreamInRangeDBL Specifies a waveform streaming condition for waveforms of Double data type that is true when the data is inside a defined range.
StreamNOfMSeconds Specifies a waveform streaming condition that is true during the first N seconds of waveform data after the waveform starts and true again for N seconds after M total seconds have elapsed.
WaveformDataCDBEventArgs Provides new waveform-stream data for the WaveformDataEventHandler event.
WaveformDataDBLEventArgs Provides new waveform-stream data for the WaveformDataEventHandler event.
WaveformDataEventArgs Provides data for waveform stream data events.
WaveformDataWatcher This class serves as a wrapper around the waveform stream data event for the purpose of allowing access to this event easier to obtain from within LabVIEW. Constructing and destructing the object registers and unregisters, respectively, from the event. The set and get properties for which waveform stream specifications to watch also update the event registration. LabVIEW users can register to the event within this class for use in the event structure in LabVIEW.
WaveformDataWatcherCDB This class serves as a wrapper around the waveform stream data event for the purpose of allowing access to this event easier to obtain from within LabVIEW. Constructing and destructing the object registers and unregisters, respectively, from the event. The set and get properties for which waveform stream specifications to watch also update the event registration. LabVIEW users can register to the event within this class for use in the event structure in LabVIEW.
WaveformDataWatcherDBL This class serves as a wrapper around the waveform stream data event for the purpose of allowing access to this event easier to obtain from within LabVIEW. Constructing and destructing the object registers and unregisters, respectively, from the event. The set and get properties for which waveform stream specifications to watch also update the event registration. LabVIEW users can register to the event within this class for use in the event structure in LabVIEW.
WaveformStreamCondition Specifies a condition that determines when waveform streaming is active
WaveformStreamSpecification Specifies properties for a waveform stream.
WaveformStreamSpecification.EqualityComparer Class that provides the equality comparer for the WaveformStreamSpecification class for use in dictionaries


IWaveformStreaming Specifies an interface to stream waveform data from the VeriStand gateway
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