VeriStand .NET API Reference

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Product DocumentationVeriStand .NET API ReferenceNationalInstruments.VeriStand.StimulusProfileDefinitionApi NamespaceCurrent page
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NationalInstruments.VeriStand.StimulusProfileDefinitionApi Namespace

The StimulusProfileDefinitionAPI namespace contains classes that define components of stimulus profiles, including steps, groups, parameter assignments, and pass/fail evaluations.


ActionStep Represents a step that performs an action, such as opening or closing a project, opening or closing the Workspace, or calling a real-time sequence.
AlwaysPassEvaluation Represents a pass/fail evaluation that always passes, regardless of the value being evaluated. You typically use evaluations on the return value of a real-time sequence to determine if the sequence passes or fails.
BooleanEvaluation Represents a Boolean pass/fail evaluation, where one value (usually true (True in Visual Basic)) indicates a pass and the other a fail. You typically use evaluations on the return value of a real-time sequence to determine if the sequence passes or fails.
CleanupStepGroup Represents the Clean Up, or finalization, section of stimulus profile code. This section is a StepGroup that contains all the steps you want to execute after the MainStepGroup finishes.
CloseProjectStep Represents a Close VeriStand Project step, which closes an open NI VeriStand project.
CloseWorkspaceStep Represents a Close Workspace step, which closes the Workspace for the active and open NI VeriStand project.
CommandShell Represents a Command Shell step, which invokes the Windows Command Prompt and calls the specified application with the specified arguments.
Evaluation Represents a pass/fail evaluation performed on a value. You typically use evaluations on the return value of a real-time sequence to determine if the sequence passes or fails.
ExecuteCompletedEventArgs Provides data for the StimulusProfile.ExecuteCompleted event.
ExecuteProgressChangedEventArgs Provides data for the StimulusProfile.ProgressChanged event.
FTPBase Provides an abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) base class for interacting with files on an FTP server.
FTPDownload Represents an FTP Download step, which downloads files from an FTP server, such as an RT target.
FTPUpload Represents an FTP Upload step, which uploads files to an FTP server, such as an RT target.
LaunchNIVeriStand Represents a Launch NI VeriStand step, which launches the NI VeriStand executable.
LogChannelGroup Represents a Channel Group, which contains channels in the system definition that you want to log from the stimulus profile. You can configure data logging by adding one or multiple channel groups to a StartLoggingStep.
MacroPlayerStep Represents a Macro Player step, which replays a previously recorded NI VeriStand macro (.nivsmacro) file.
MainStepGroup Represents the Main section of the stimulus profile code. This section is a StepGroup that contains the main execution code for the stimulus profile. Steps in this section execute after the SetupStepGroup and before the CleanupStepGroup.
MessageBoxStep Represents a Message Box step, which displays a pop-dialog box with a specified message.
NumericBoundsEvaluation Represents a NumericBounds pass/fail evaluation, which checks if a specified value falls within the bounds of a specified high and low limit. You typically use evaluations on the return value of a real-time sequence to determine if the sequence passes or fails.
OpenProjectStep Represents an Open VeriStand Project step, which opens an NI VeriStand project (.nivsproj) file.
OpenWorkspaceStep Represents an Open VeriStand Workspace step, which opens the Workspace window with the screen file for the active NI VeriStand project.
OpenWorkspaceToolStep Represents an Open Workspace Tool step, which opens a Workspace tool for the active NI VeriStand project.
RealTimeSequenceCallParameterAssignment Represents the parameter assignments for a real-time sequence. A parameter can have a constant value or map to a channel in a system definition file.
RealTimeSequenceCallStep Represents a Call Real-Time Sequence Step, which calls a real-time sequence to execute.
RealTimeSequenceGroupStep Represents a Real-Time Sequence Group, which contains a group of RealTimeSequenceCallStep objects that execute in parallel. This step does not complete until each real-time sequence in the group executes.
SendProjectCommandStep Represents a Control Active VeriStand Project step, which sends a command (Connect, Run, Deploy, and so on) to the NI VeriStand project the stimulus profile is associated with.
SendWorkspaceToolMessageStep Represents a Send Workspace Tool Message step. This step sends an open Workspace tool VI a specified message or command, as well as data required by the case in the tool that handles the command.
SetupStepGroup Represents the Setup, or initialization, section of the stimulus profile code. This section is a StepGroup that contains all the steps you want to execute before the MainStepGroup begins executing.
StartLoggingStep Represents a Start Logging step, which starts logging data from a specified set of channels to a TDMS file.
StepGroup Represents a group of steps in a stimulus profile.
StimulusProfile Represents a stimulus profile.
StopLoggingStep Represents a Stop Logging step, which finalizes and stops a logging operation started by a StartLoggingStep.
UpdateModelParametersFromFile Represents an Update Model Parameters from File step, which updates parameter values for a simulation model to values specified in a text (.txt) file.


BoundsCheckType Specifies the type of bounds check used for a NumericBoundsEvaluation.
EvaluationType Specifies the type of pass/fail evaluation performed on a given value. This value is typically the return value of a real-time sequence called by a RealTimeSequenceCallStep.
LogFileSegmentingOptions Specifies how to segment the log files created during the data logging session.
StepExecutionState Specifies the current execution state of a step in a stimulus profile.
StepResult Indicates the result of executing a stimulus profile step.
UpdateModelParametersFromFile.Delimiters Specifies the delimiter used to separate model parameter names and values in the source file specified by FilePath and, if used, parameter aliases and names in the AliasFile.
VeriStandProjectCommand Specifies the command that a SendProjectCommandStep sends to the active NI VeriStand project.
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