VeriStand .NET API Reference

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AlarmState Enumeration

The state of an alarm running on the target.

Namespace: NationalInstruments.VeriStand.ClientAPI
Assembly: NationalInstruments.VeriStand.ClientAPI (in NationalInstruments.VeriStand.ClientAPI.dll) Version: 2013.0.0.0 (2013.0.0.0)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Enumeration AlarmState
public enum AlarmState
Visual C++
public enum class AlarmState


Member nameDescription
DelayedTripped The WatchChannel value is outside the limits, but the alarm has not tripped because the DelayDuration time has not elapsed. If the DelayDuration elapses and WatchChannel remains outside the limits, the alarm state changes to Tripped or Indicate, depending on the AlarmMode.
Disabled The alarm is inactive. The alarm does not trip even if the WatchChannel value is outside the limits.
Enabled The alarm is active. The alarm trips if the WatchChannel value is outside the limits.
Indicate The WatchChannel value is outside the limits, but the alarm was not tripped because AlarmMode is IndicateOnly.
Tripped The alarm tripped and the procedure associated with the alarm was initiated.

See Also

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