| Class | Description |
 | AnalogEdgeTrigger |
Specifies a trigger condition that occur on an analog edge.
 | DataLoggingSessionErrorEventArgs |
Provides data about errors that occur during data logging sessions for the DataLoggingSessionError event.
 | DataLoggingSessionStartEventArgs |
Provides data about a new data logging session for the DataLoggingSessionStart event.
 | DataLoggingSessionStateChangeEventArgs |
Provides data about the state of a data logging session for the DataLoggingSessionStateChange event.
 | DataLoggingSessionStopEventArgs |
Provides data about a data logging session that stopped for the DataLoggingSessionStop event.
 | DataLoggingSpecification |
Specifies properties for a data logging session.
 | DefaultTrigger |
Specifies a trigger that always evaluates to a certain result
 | DigitalEdgeTrigger |
Specifies a trigger condition that occur on an digital edge.
 | FootprintSegmentingSpecification |
Specifies to segment log files after they reach a certain size in bytes.
 | FormulaTrigger |
Specifies a trigger condition based on a Boolean expression that operates on a set of channel values
 | InRangeTrigger |
Specifies a trigger condition that occurs when a value falls within a specified range.
 | LogFile |
Specifies information about a log file
 | LogFileClosedEventArgs |
Provides data about a closed log file for the LogFileClosed event.
 | LogFileOpenedEventArgs |
Provides data about an opened log file for the LogFileOpened event.
 | NewLogFilesCompleteEventArgs |
Provides data about newly produced log files on a target for the NewLogFilesComplete event.
 | SegmentingSpecification |
Specifies a condition that determines when to segment log files during data logging. This base class
specifies never to segment the log file.
 | SingleChannelTrigger |
Specifies a trigger whose condition is based on a single channel value
 | TdmsChannel |
Specifies a TDMS channel to log.
 | TdmsChannelGroup |
Specifies a TDMS channel group to log
 | TdmsLogFile |
Specifies a TDMS log file
 | TdmsProperty |
Provides a way to create a TDMS property which can be added to a TDMS file, channel group, or channel.
 | TextLogChannel |
Specifies information about a channel to log in a text file
 | TextLogFile |
Specifies information about a text log file
 | TimeSegmentingSpecification |
Specifies to segment log files after a certain amount of time in seconds has elapsed.
 | Trigger |
Specifies a condition that determines when logging starts or stops
 | ValueChangeTrigger |
Specifies a trigger condition that occurs when a channel value changes by more than a certain absolute amount