VeriStand .NET API Reference

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NationalInstruments.VeriStand.SystemDefinitionAPI Namespace

The NI VeriStand System Definition API includes members of the NationalInstruments.VeriStand.SystemDefinitionAPI assembly. This API allows you to automate the operation of the System Explorer window. You can access this assembly from any .NET-capable programming language or environment, including NI LabVIEW and NI TestStand.


Acceleration Represents a calculated channel with the acceleration function.
Alarm Represents an alarm, which notifies the user that the value of a particular channel has gone outside a specified range of values. Alarms also can trigger the execution of a specified procedure.
AlarmFolder Represents an alarm folder, which organizes alarms under the Alarms section.
Alarming Represents an Alarm Command, or Alarming, step that you can add to a Procedure. This step performs the specified Function on the specified Alarm when the step executes.
Alarms Represents the Alarms section of a Target, which contains any configured Alarm and AlarmFolder objects.
Alias Represents an alias, which defines an alternate name for a channel in a system definition file. You can use the alias name, rather than the full channel path, in the Workspace window and Stimulus Profile Editor.
Aliases Represents the Aliases section of the system definition, which contains Alias objects that define names you can use in place of full channel paths.
AliasFolder Represents a folder under the Aliases section of the system definition. Folders simply organize aliases into logical groups.
AutomaticFrameProcessing Represents an Automatic Frame Processing section under an outgoing frame of an NI-XNET CAN port. The Automatic Frame Processing section contains CRC and Counter sections.
Average Represents a calculated channel with the average function. The average function calculates the average value of the channel you specify every n points.
BaseNode Represents generic nodes in the system definition and provides access to options and configuration settings that all nodes support.
CalculatedChannel Represents a calculated channel, which produces new values based on calculations performed on other channels in the system definition.
CalculatedChannels Represents the Calculated Channels section of a Target. This section contains CalculatedChannel objects that perform calculations on other channels in the system.
CallProcedure Represents a Call Procedure step that you can add to a Procedure. The Call Procedure step calls a procedure when the step executes.
CAN Represents the CAN section under XNET in the system definition.
CANPort Represents a port under the NI-XNET CAN section.
Channel Represents a channel in the system definition. This is a base class for more specific channel classes, including hardware channels, system channels, user channels, calculated channels, and so on.
Chassis Represents a chassis, which contains any NI-DAQ devices, reflective memory devices, NI FPGA targets, NI-XNET devices, and timing and sync devices you add.
Command Represents a parent class for the different Procedure command types.
Condition Represents a Condition step that you can add to a procedure. The Condition step executes a GotoLabel step based on the comparison of a constant value or channel value.
Conditional Represents a CalculatedChannel with the conditional function. The conditional function uses an if/else statement to check the channel you specify for the condition you specify and return the appropriate value.
Counter Represents the Counter section under the AutomaticFrameProcessing section of an outgoing frame of an NI-XNET CANPort. This feature increments specific bits every time the frame is transmitted across the bus.
CRC Represents the CRC section under the AutomaticFrameProcessing section of an outgoing frame of an NI-XNET CAN port. This feature performs a cyclic redundancy check.
CustomDevice Represents a custom device in NI VeriStand.
CustomDeviceBase Defines a base class for NI VeriStand custom devices.
CustomDeviceChannel Represents a channel in a custom device.
CustomDevices Represents the top-level Custom Devices section of a Target. This section contains all the custom devices (except timing and sync devices) that you add to the system definition.
CustomDeviceSection Represents a section under a custom device. Sections are not required in custom devices, but provide a way to organize custom device channels into a logical hierarchy.
CustomDeviceWaveform Represents a waveform in a custom device.
Cyclic Represents the Cyclic section that contains outgoing cyclic frames under an NI-XNET CAN or FlexRay port. Use cyclic frames when you want data changes to arrive at other ECUs within a well-defined deadline.
DAQ Represents the DAQ section of a Chassis in the system definition. This section contains all the DAQ devices you add under the chassis.
DAQAnalogInput Represents a DAQ analog input channel.
DAQAnalogInputs Represents an Analog Input section under a DAQDevice, which contains all DAQAnalogInput channels you add for the device.
DAQAnalogOutput Represents a DAQ analog output channel.
DAQAnalogOutputs Represents an Analog Output section under a DAQDevice, which contains all DAQAnalogOutput channels you add for the device.
DAQChannel Provides an abstract base class for implementing DAQ device channels and their measurement types based on DAQ plug-in XML files.
DAQCounter Represents a DAQ counter channel.
DAQCounterInput Initializes a new instance of the DAQCounterInput class.
DAQCounterOutput Initializes a new instance of the DAQCounterOutput class.
DAQCounters Represents a Counter section under a DAQDevice, which contains all DAQCounter channels you add for the device.
DAQCountUpDown Represents a DAQCounter channel with the count up/down task type.
DAQDevice Represents a DAQ device.
DAQDigitalInput Represents a DAQ digital input channel.
DAQDigitalInputs Represents a Digital Input section under a DAQDevice, which contains the DAQDIOPort ports for DAQDigitalInput channels.
DAQDigitalOutput Represents a DAQ digital output channel.
DAQDigitalOutputs Represents a Digital Output section under a DAQDevice, which contains the DAQDIOPort ports for DAQDigitalOutput channels.
DAQDIOPort Represents a DAQ DIO port, which contains DAQDigitalInput and/or DAQDigitalOutput channels.
DAQFrequencyMeasurement Represents a DAQCounter channel with the frequency measurement task type.
DAQInternalChannel Represents a DAQ internal channel.
DAQInternalChannels Represents an Internal Channels section under a DAQDevice, which contains any DAQInternalChannel objects to add to the device.
DAQLogging Represents the Logging section of a DAQTaskAI.
DAQPeriodMeasurement Represents a DAQCounter channel with the period measurement task type.
DAQPositionMeasurement Represents a DAQCounter channel with the position measurement task type.
DAQPulseGeneration Represents a DAQ Counter measurement section of input channels.
DAQPulseMeasurement Represents a DAQ Counter measurement section of input channels.
DAQSectionType Represents a generic DAQ data section.
DAQTask Provides an abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) base class for different types of tasks you can assign to DAQ channels.
DAQTaskAI Represents a DAQmx task you can assign to one or more DAQ analog input channels to configure timing properties, triggers, and logging.
DAQTaskCommand Represents one of the channels under the DAQTaskAI, DAQTriggers, or DAQLogging sections. Task command channels control the execution of the DAQTaskAI.
DAQTasks Represents the Waveform Tasks section in a system definition. This section contains DAQTask objects.
DAQTrigger Provides an abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) base class for different types of triggers you can use to configure a DAQTaskAI to start acquiring under certain conditions.
DAQTriggerAnalogEdge Represents an analog edge trigger that can configure a DAQTaskAI to start acquiring under certain conditions.
DAQTriggerAnalogWindow Represents an analog window trigger that can configure a DAQTaskAI to start acquiring under certain conditions.
DAQTriggerDigitalEdge Represents a digital edge trigger that can configure a DAQTaskAI to start acquiring under certain conditions.
DAQTriggerNone Represents a disabled DAQTrigger.
DAQTriggers Represents the Triggers section of a DAQTaskAI.
DAQTriggerSoftware Represents a software trigger that can configure a DAQTaskAI to start acquiring under certain conditions.
DAQWaveform Represents a generic DAQ waveform.
DAQWaveformAnalogInput Represents a DAQ analog input waveform used in a buffered acquisition.
Database Represents an XNET database. XNET databases can be CANdb (.dbc), NI-CAN (.ncd), LDF (.ldf), or FIBEX (.xml) files.
DataFileError Represents the Error channel associated with a raw frame data logging file or data replay file under an NI-XNET port.
DataFileReplay Represents a data replay file, which is a raw frame data logging (TDMS or NCL) file that you replay onto a CAN bus.
DataFileStatus Represents the Status channel associated with a raw frame data logging file or data replay file under an NI-XNET port.
DataLoggingFile Represents a raw frame data logging (TDMS or NCL) file under an NI-XNET port. You can use raw frame data logging files to record incoming frame data during an NI-XNET session.
DataReplay Represents the Data Replay section under an NI-XNET CAN port, which contains any DataFileReplay files you want to replay onto the CAN bus.
DataSharing Represents the Data Sharing section under a Chassis. This section contains any reflective memory devices you add to the system definition.
DataSharingNetwork Represents the Data Sharing Network section of the system definition, under which you can add and configure a reflective memory network. You can only configure one reflective memory network per system definition.
DependentFile Represents a dependent file, which can be any file that another node requires. For example, model files, bitfiles, and VIs that make up custom devices can all be dependent files.
Dictionary Represents a dictionary, which is an associative array. You can set dictionaries as values for CustomDevice and TimingAndSyncDevice items.
DictionaryElement Represents an element, or a key/value pair, in a Dictionary.
Dwell Represents a Dwell step that you add to a procedure. The Dwell step suspends the procedure by the amount of time you specify.
DynamicSignal Represents a dynamic signal contained in a multiplexed frame. NI VeriStand organizes dynamic signals under Mode nodes.
End Represents an End step that you can add to a procedure. The End step stops the procedure.
EventTriggered Represents the Event Triggered section under an Outgoing section of an NI-XNET CAN or FlexRay port.
Execution Represents the Execution section under a Model. This section contains channels that get and set execution details of the model, such as its current status and the amount of time that has elapsed since it began executing.
ExecutionOrder Represents the Execution Order section under SimulationModels, which contains information about the order that your models execute relative to each other in the VeriStand Engine.
ExitSubroutine Represents an Exit Subroutine step that you can add to a procedure. The Exit Subroutine step is typically used in procedures that are called from other procedures by a CallProcedure step. The Exit Subroutine step stops the current procedure and returns to the calling procedure.
FinishedFiles Represents a Finished Files channel associated with an NI-XNET RawFrameDataLogging file. This channel stores the number of completed log files for the current session of the VeriStand Engine. You can use this channel to determine when a file is ready for use by other processes.
FlexRay Represents the FlexRay section under XNET in the system definition.
FlexRayPort Represents a port under an NI-XNET FlexRay device.
Formula Represents a calculated channel with the formula function. This function calculates the result of a formula you specify.
FPGA Represents the FPGA section of a Chassis in the system definition. This section contains all the FPGA devices you add under the chassis.
FPGAAICategory Represents the Input»Analog section under an FPGADevice.
FPGAAnalogInput Represents an FPGA analog input channel.
FPGAAnalogOutput Represents an FPGA analog output channel.
FPGAAOCategory Represents the Output»Analog section under an FPGADevice.
FPGACategory Represents a section under an FPGA device. Sections organize channels according to type. For example, Input»Analog, Output»Digital, and so on.
FPGAChannel Represents a channel of an FPGA device.
FPGADevice Represents an FPGA target under the FPGA section.
FPGADICategory Represents the Input»Digital section under an FPGADevice.
FPGADigitalInput Represents an FPGA digital input channel.
FPGADigitalOutput Represents an FPGA digital output channel.
FPGADOCategory Represents the Output»Digital section under an FPGADevice.
FPGAPWMInCategory Represents the Input»PWM section under an FPGADevice.
FPGAPWMInput Represents an FPGA PWM input channel.
FPGAPWMOutCategory Represents the Output»PWM section under an FPGADevice.
FPGAPWMOutput Represents an FPGA PWM output channel.
FrameFaulting Represents a Frame Faulting section under an outgoing cyclic frame of an NI-XNET CAN port. This section contains channels you can use to configure the transmission of cyclic frames.
FrameID Represents a Frame ID channel under the FrameInformation section of an incoming, raw data format NI-XNET frame. This channel contains the ID number that identifies the frame.
FrameInformation Represents a Frame Information section under an incoming NI-XNET frame. This section contains channels that store information about the frame, such as the timestamp at which it was received and the ID number of the current frame.
Generator Represents a stimulus generator in the Legacy Stimulus Profile Editor, which produces simulated real-world signals that stimulus profiles use to perform tests on a system.
GotoLabel Represents a Goto Label step that you can add to a procedure. When this step executes, the procedure jumps to the step specified by Label().
Hardware Represents the Hardware section of a Target, which contains any chassis you add.
Incoming Represent the Incoming section under an NI-XNET CAN, LIN, or FlexRay ports, which contains any incoming frames and data logging files .
Inport Represents a model inport, or input.
InportGroup Represents a sub-section of the Inports section of a model. Inport groups provide organization within the model.
Inports Represents the top-level Inports section under a Model. This section contains all the Inport and InportGroup objects for the model.
InputOverflowChannel Represents an input overflow count channel, which tracks the number of times the system fails to write data to an asynchronous custom device because the FIFO is full. A single custom device can have only one input overflow count channel.
InterfaceChannels Represents the Interface section under an NI-XNET CAN port. This section contains the port-specific channel that controls the port's sleep mode.
LIN Represents the LIN section under XNET in the system definition.
LINPort Represents a port under an NI-XNET LIN device.
LINScheduler Represents the LIN Scheduler channel under an NI-XNET LINPort. The LIN Scheduler specifies which schedule to use to determine when to transmit frames. This channel is only valid if the LINPort to which is belongs is configured as the master port (LINPort.IsMaster is true (True in Visual Basic)).
LookupTable Represents a lookup table Scale, which maps an array of pre-scaled values to an array of corresponding scaled values.
LowpassFilter Represents a calculated channel with the Lowpass Filter function. This function applies a lowpass Butterworth filter to the value of the specified ChannelToFilter.
LUTValue Represents a pair of values in a LookupTable scale: a pre-scaled value and the corresponding scaled value.
Maximum Represents a calculated channel with the Maximum function. This function compares two values (x and y) and returns the larger value.
Minimum Represents a calculated channel with the Minimum function. This function compares two values (x and y) and returns the smaller value.
Mode Represents a Mode section under a signal format NI-XNET CAN frame. The Mode section organizes dynamic (multiplexed) signals according to their mode values.
Model Represents a model, which is a mathematical representation of a real-world system. A model responds to stimuli by producing outputs in a way that emulates the behavior of the modeled item. Models contain inputs and outputs that send and receive data. Models contain parameters you can manipulate and signals whose values you can view. For example, a model that generates a sine wave contains parameters that adjust the amplitude and frequency of the sine wave. You can view the value of the sine wave using the model signal.
ModelCommand Represents a Model Command channel, which you can use to send commands to the model running on the target.
ModelDefaultGroup Represents a parent class for the different types of sub-folders and sections a model can have.
ModelParameter Represents a model parameter.
ModelParameterGroup Represents a sub-section of the ModelParameters section of a model. Parameter groups provide organization within the model.
ModelParameters Represents the top-level Parameters section under a Model. This section contains all the ModelParameter and ModelParameterGroup objects under the model.
Models Represents the Models section under SimulationModels. This section contains any compiled or uncompiled models you add to the system definition. NI VeriStand supports importing .dll, .mdl, and .lvmodel file types.
ModelSignal Represents a model signal.
ModelSignalGroup Represents a sub-section of the ModelSignals section of a model. Signal groups provide organization within the model.
ModelSignals Represents the top-level Signal section under a Model. This section contains all the ModelSignal and ModelSignalGroup objects under the model.
ModelStatus Represents a Model Status channel, which you can use to get information about the current status of the model running on the target.
ModelTime Represents a Model Time channel, which you can use to get information about the current running time, in seconds, of the model running on the target.
Multiplexer Represents a multiplexer signal under an NI-XNET signal format CAN frame. The multiplexer signal defines an area within the frame to contain different DynamicSignal signals.
NodeIDUtil Provides methods for converting node IDs, or pointers, to nodes in a system definition file into item references to the same node.
Outgoing Represents the Outgoing section under an NI-XNET CAN, LIN, or FlexRay port, which contains any outgoing frames and data replay files.
Outport Represents a model outport, or output.
OutportGroup Represents a sub-section of the Outports section of a model. Outport groups provide organization within the model.
Outports Represents the top-level Outports section under a Model. This section contains all the Outport and OutportGroup objects for the model.
OutputUnderflowChannel Represents an output underflow count channel, which tracks the number of times the system fails to read data from an asynchronous custom device because there is no data to read. A single custom device can have only one output underflow count channel.
PeakAndValley Represents a calculated channel with the Peak & Valley function. This function calculates the peak, valley, and offset of a cyclical waveform on the channel you specify. The calculated channel stores the peak value, and the channels you specify when you configure the calculated channel store the valley and offset values.
PendingFrames Represents a Pending Frames channel associate with an NI-XNET DataFileReplay file. This channel stores the number of frames in the outgoing transmission queue of the current NI-XNET streaming session. You can use this channel to determine whether data is replaying as expected.
PolynomialScale Represents a polynomial Scale, which converts values using a polynomial equation with up to ten coefficients.
Procedure Represents a procedure, which determines a set of actions that the VeriStand Engine executes. You can configure procedures to run in response to an alarm, when called from another procedure, or on startup.
Procedures Represents the Procedures section of a Target, which contains all the Procedure objects you configure.
RawDataBasedChannel Represents a raw data format channel under an NI-XNET RawDataBasedFrame.
RawDataBasedFrame Represents a raw data format frame of an NI-XNET CAN, LIN, or FlexRay device.
RawFrameDataLogging Represents the Raw Frame Data Logging section under an NI-XNET CAN, LIN, or FlexRay port.
ReceiveTime Represents the Receive Time channel for an incoming NI-XNET CAN, LIN, or FlexRay frame. This channel contains the most recent timestamp at which the frame was received.
ReflectiveMemory Represents a reflective memory device under the DataSharing section of the system definition. A reflective memory device is a target on a ReflectiveMemoryNetwork.
ReflectiveMemoryDataChannel Represents a data channel under a ReflectiveMemory device.
ReflectiveMemoryDataChannels Represents the top-level Data Channels section of a ReflectiveMemory device. This section contains all the data channels for the device, as well as sub-folders that you can use to organize the channels.
ReflectiveMemoryFolder Represents a folder under a reflective memory device. Folders can contain data channels or additional sub-folders.
ReflectiveMemoryInformationChannels Represents the Information Channels section under a reflective memory device.
ReflectiveMemoryNetwork Represents the reflective memory network that ReflectiveMemory devices use to share data. A single system definition can have only one reflective memory network.
ReflectiveMemoryRingReadLateCount Represents a Ring Read Late Count channel of a reflective memory device. This channel increments any time the device is not able to read a section of data from reflective memory because the section was still getting written to by another device. If this channel increments, the section of invalid data was not copied to the local channels.
ReflectiveMemoryWriteLateCount Represents a Node Write Late Count channel of a reflective memory device. This channel increments any time the device is not able to write data to the reflective memory network because a new iteration of the Primary Control Loop started before the write operation was complete. In this situation, the PCL does not write or read any data for the iteration where the write operation failed to complete.
Root Represents the root node of the system definition.
Scale Defines a base class for different types of scales allowed in system definition files. You can create scales to convert from the pre-scaled units measured by a hardware channel to the scaled units associated with a transducer or actuator.
ScaleFolder Represents a folder under the Scales section of the system definition. Folders simply organize scales into logical groups.
Scales Represents the Scales section of the system definition, which contains Scale objects. Use scales to convert from the pre-scaled units measured by a hardware channel to the scaled units associated with a transducer or actuator.
SCXI1100 Represents an SCXI-1100 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1102 Represents an SCXI-1102 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1102B Represents an SCXI-1102B module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1102C Represents an SCXI-1102C module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1104 Represents an SCXI-1104 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1104C Represents an SCXI-1104C module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1112 Represents an SCXI-1112 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1120 Represents an SCXI-1120 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1120D Represents an SCXI-1120D module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1121 Represents an SCXI-1121 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1122 Represents an SCXI-1122 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1124 Represents an SCXI-1124 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1125 Represents an SCXI-1125 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1126 Represents an SCXI-1126 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1127 Represents an SCXI-1127 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1128 Represents an SCXI-1128 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1140 Represents an SCXI-1140 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1141 Represents an SCXI-1141 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1142 Represents an SCXI-1142 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1143 Represents an SCXI-1143 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1160 Represents an SCXI-1160 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1161 Represents an SCXI-1161 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1162 Represents an SCXI-1162 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1162HV Represents an SCXI-1162HV module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1163 Represents an SCXI-1163 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1163R Represents an SCXI-1163R module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1190 Represents an SCXI-1190 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1191 Represents an SCXI-1191 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1192 Represents an SCXI-1192 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1520 Represents an SCXI-1520 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1530 Represents an SCXI-1530 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1531 Represents an SCXI-1531 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1540 Represents an SCXI-1540 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXI1581 Represents an SCXI-1581 module that you can add to an SCXIChassis.
SCXIChassis Represents an SCXI chassis under a DAQDevice.
SCXIModule Represents an SCXI module under an SCXIChassis.
Section Represents a section or node in the system definition. A section represents any node that contains additional nodes.
SetMultipleVariables Represents a Set Multiple Variables step that you can add to a procedure. This step sets the values of multiple channels to constant values.
SetVariable Represents a Set Variable step that you can add to a procedure. This step sets a channel, Variable, to a certain value. The value can be a constant or the result of a calculation using a Function you specify.
SignalBasedFrame Represents a signal format frame under an NI-XNET LIN, FlexRay, or CAN port.
SignalBasedSignal Represents a signal format signal under an NI-XNET SignalBasedFrame.
SimulationModels Represents the Simulation Models section of a Target, which contains any models you import and information about the order in which they execute.
SinglePoint Represents the Single-Point section under an Incoming section of an NI-XNET CAN, LIN, or FlexRay port. When you import single-point frames, NI VeriStand reads the most recent value received for the frame.
SkipCyclicFrames Represents the Skip Cyclic Frames channel under the FrameFaulting section of an outgoing cyclic frame of an NI-XNET CAN port. This channel specifies to skip transmission of a specified number of cyclic frames across the CAN bus when a specified trigger channel has a non-zero value.
SleepMode Represents a Transceiver State, or Sleep Mode, channel under the InterfaceChannels section of an NI-XNET CAN port. This channel controls the sleep mode option on the CAN port. A port in sleep mode does not transmit data until you release sleep mode or until the port receives an incoming frame.
Sporadic Represents the Sporadic section that contains outgoing, sporadic frames under an NI-XNET LIN port.
Stimulus Represents the Stimulus section of a Target, which contains the stimulus generators available in the Legacy Stimulus Profile Editor.
StimulusChannel Represents a stimulus channel of a Generator.
SystemChannel Represents a system channel under the SystemChannels section. System channels monitor the state and condition of various aspects of the system.
SystemChannels Represents the System Channels section of a Target, which contains a variety of channels that monitor the state and condition of various aspects of the system.
SystemDefinition Represents a system definition file, which contains configuration settings for the VeriStand Engine. This class is the base class for configuring system definitions through this API.
SystemInitialization Represents the System Initialization section of the system definition, which contains information about the order that multiple targets deploy relative to each other.
SystemMappings Represents the System Mappings section of the system definition, which stores information about how source channels within the system definition map to destination channels. Destination channels store the mapping information.
Target Represents a target in the system definition.
Targets Represents the Targets section of the system definition, which contains all the targets you configure.
ThermocoupleScale Represents a thermocouple Scale, which converts raw values from a thermocouple to Kelvins or degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Rankine.
TimeDifference Represents the Time Difference channel for an incoming NI-XNET CAN, LIN, or FlexRay frame. This channel stores the difference between the two most recent ReceiveTime timestamps.
TimeStepDuration Represents a Time Step Duration channel, which you can use to get information about the duration, in microseconds, of the last time step of the model running on the target.
TimingAndSync Represents the Timing and Sync section of the system definition, which contains all configured timing and sync devices.
TimingAndSyncDevice Represents a timing and sync device, which is a custom device that can drive the RTSI 0 line and synchronize all the hardware I/O devices in the system.
TransmitTime Represents a Transmit Time under the FrameFaulting section of an outgoing cyclic frame of an NI-XNET CAN port. This channel specifies the amount of time that must elapse between subsequent transmissions of the cyclic frame.
Unconditional Represents the Unconditional section that contains outgoing, unconditional frames under an NI-XNET LIN port.
UserChannel Represents a user channel, which stores a single value. You can use user channels as variables in procedures, stimulus profiles, and so on.
UserChannels Represents the User Channels section of a Target, which contains any user channels you configure. User channels store a single value, and can be variables in procedures, stimulus profiles, and so on.
UserChannelsFolder Represents a folder under the UserChannels section of a target. Folders simply organize user channels into logical groups.
Utilities Provides a way to perform various common operations within the system definition, such as stripping paths, converting data types, and creating channel mappings.
Waveform Represents a waveform in the system definition. This is a base class for more specific waveform classes, including hardware waveforms, custom device waveforms, and so on.
XNET Represents the NI-XNET section of a Chassis, which contains any CAN, LIN, or FlexRay devices you configure.
XNETDatabases Represents the XNET Databases section of a Target, which contains any XNET Databases you add to the system definition to run XNET devices.


ValueSource Represents the source of a channel value as a constant or a channel.


AcquisitionMode Defines the acquisition mode of a DAQTask.
AcquisitionUnits Defines whether the size of acquisitions is represented as samples per channel or time, in seconds.
ActionOnNew Defines the location to which to log data when a DAQTaskAI begins a new acquisition.
AlarmingStepFunction The function of an alarm running on the target.
AlarmMode The action that occurs when the alarm is triggered on the target.
AlarmPriority This enumeration is deprecated in NI VeriStand 2011 and later. Use the PriorityNumber property instead.

Setting this enumeration to Low, Medium, or High automatically sets the PriorityNumber to 25, 15, or 5, respectively.

AlarmState The state of an alarm on the target.
CANTransceiverType The transceiver type of an NI-XNET CAN port.
CANTransmitOrderType The order in which the CAN interface transmits frames from the internal queue.
CDChannel_Type Specifies the type (Input or Output) of a custom device channel.
CDDriverExecMode Specifies the execution mode, or device type, of a custom device. The execution mode defines how the device interacts with the VeriStand Engine.
CDLoopType Specifies the type of loop in which an asynchronous custom device executes.
CDTimeLoopPriority Specifies the priority of the Timed Loop that an asynchronous custom device with a CDLoopType of TimedLoop executes in. If you want to wire this value to the input terminal of a Timed Loop in LabVIEW, you must first convert it to a positive integer between 1 and 65,535.
ChannelNames Specifies how the names of DAQ channels appear in log files this task creates and in the list of available triggers.
ConditionStepComparison The condition to use when comparing Variable and Value in a Condition step.
DAQAnalogChannelType Specifies the measurement type of an analog DAQ channel.
DAQCM_Active_Edge Specifies the edge on which the sample clock pulses to acquire or generate samples.
DAQCM_Clock_Source Specifies the source of the sample clock.
DAQCM_Export_Clk_On_Line Specifies the line that receives the pulse from the sample clock.
DAQCM_Export_Sample_Clock Specifies the sample clock to export.
DAQCM_Export_Start_Trigger Specifies the start trigger to export.
DAQCM_Export_StartTrigger_On_Line Specifies the line that exports the Start Trigger.
DAQCM_Slope Specifies the edge on which to trigger the device.
DAQCM_Trigger_Line Specifies the line that triggers the acquisition or generation of samples.
DAQConversionRate Specifies the rate used to run the analog-digital converters (ADCs) on a DAQ device.
DAQCounterCountMode Specifies the mode of the count direction.
DAQCounterDecoding Specifies the method used to count and interpret the pulses the encoder generates on signal A and signal B. Decoding1X, Decoding2X, and Decoding4X are valid for quadrature encoders only.
DAQCounterEdge Specifies the mode the counter uses to count the edge.
DAQCounterType Specifies the type of task the DAQ counter performs.
DAQCounterZIndexMode Specifies the states at which signal A and signal B must be while signal Z is high for the device to reset the measurement. If signal Z is never high while signal A and signal B are high, for example, you must choose a phase other than AHighBHigh. When signal Z transitions to high and how long it stays high varies from encoder to encoder. Refer to the documentation for the encoder to determine the timing of signal Z with respect to signal A and signal B.
DAQDataChannelType Specifies the type of data channel in a DAQ measurement DAQSectionType section.
DAQDeviceInputConfiguration Specifies the input terminal configuration to apply to the device channels.
DAQMeasurementType Specifies the measurement type of a DAQ channel.
DataLoggingFilterType Specifies the type of filtering applied to a DataLoggingFile under an NI-XNET port.
DataLoggingOperationType Specifies the action taken when a trigger condition is met.
DataLoggingTriggerType Specifies the type of trigger used to start or stop logging data to a DataLoggingFile.
Delimiter Defines the delimiter of the SimulationModels.ParameterFile.
DependentFileType Specifies the type of path used for the location of a DependentFile.
DirectionType Defines the direction of a signal slope or edge that causes a trigger.
EdgeType Defines the edge type of the sample clock.
FileLimitationType Specifies the type of limit used to stop logging incoming frame data to an NI-XNET DataLoggingFile.
FileType Specifies the file type of an NI-XNET DataLoggingFile.
FramePhaseType Specifies whether to reset the timer of a software cyclic trigger after each transmission of an outgoing frame.
FrameTriggerType Specifies a condition that a trigger channel must meet to trigger transmission of an outgoing frame.
FrameType Specifies the type of a CAN or FlexRay frame.
GlobalParameterScopes Specifies whether global parameters in a Model share their values with other models.
LogMode The logging mode that determines whether components in the NI VeriStand system can read data as you log it.
ModelCommandState Specifies the current state of the model.
PXIBackplaneReferenceClock Specifies the PXI chassis backplane reference clock.
ReflectiveMemoryDataChannelAccessType Specifies the access type (read or write) of a data channel on a reflective memory device.
ReflectiveMemoryDataChannelDataType Specifies the data type of a data channel on a reflective memory device.
ReflectiveMemoryInterruptType Specifies the type of interrupt a ReflectiveMemory device sends or receives.
ReplayBehavior Specifies whether and how frames in a data replay file on an NI-XNET CAN port are filtered.
SampleMode Whether the AI acquisition is single-point or buffered.
ScaleType This enumeration is used to select the Scale Type.
SetVariableStepFunction Specifies the function to use on Value1 and Value2 of a SetVariable procedure step.
TargetControlLoopTimingSource Specifies the timing source for the system. The timing source times the system by sending ticks to the Primary Control Loop.
TargetExecutionMode Specifies the execution mode for the loops of the VeriStand Engine.
TaskType This enumeration is used to select the Task Type.
TemperatureUnit Defines the Temperature Unit of the thermocouple.
ThermocoupleCJCType Defines the CJC type.
ThermocoupleType Defines the thermocouple type.
TimingSourceSettingsOptions Specifies the DAQ timing source setting for the Primary Control Loop when the PCL timing source is set to DAQ.
TriggerType Defines the type of a DAQTrigger.
WindowConditionType Defines the signal condition that causes a window trigger.
XNETTermination Configures onboard termination for the XNET port. Termination behavior differs depending on the type of device you are using (CAN, FlexRay, or LIN).
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