VeriStand .NET API Reference

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Product DocumentationVeriStand .NET API ReferenceNationalInstruments.VeriStand.RealTimeSequenceDefinitionApi NamespaceCurrent page
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NationalInstruments.VeriStand.RealTimeSequenceDefinitionApi Namespace

The NI VeriStand Stimulus Profile API includes members of the NationalInstruments.VeriStand.SequenceDefinitionAPI assembly. This API allows you to automate the creation of stimulus profiles and real-time sequences. For example, you can use this API to script the creation of a new real-time sequence based on a template, to automate the execution of multiple real-time sequences, or to run real-time sequences in a proprietary stimulus profile editor. You also can use this API to automate the creation of multiple stimulus profiles, which is useful if you want to run similar tests on multiple devices that are identical except for channel mappings.

The RealTimeSequenceDefinitionApi namespace contains classes that define components of real-time sequences, including statements, primitives, parameters, variables, and code blocks.

The StimulusProfileDefinitionApi namespace contains classes that define components of stimulus profiles, including steps, groups, parameter assignments, and pass/fail evaluations.

You can access this assembly from any .NET-capable programming language or environment, including NI LabVIEW and NI TestStand.


AbstractDeclaration Represents the abstract base class from which all variable, parameter, and return declarations derive.
AbstractLoop Represents the abstract base class from which all loop statements derive.
BaseNode Represents the abstract base class from which all nodes in a real-time sequence definition derive.
Block Represents a Block primitive, which contains a list of functional statements to execute. You can use blocks to organize sequence code. Also, because a block itself is a single statement, you can use blocks to easily duplicate or move related statements that are grouped under a block. Certain pre-defined sections of sequence code, such as Setup, Main, and CleanUp, use code blocks for the Body of their code.
Cases Represents the Cases section under a Switch statement, which contains all the cases the statement can execute other than the DefaultCase.
CaseStatement Represents an individual case under the Cases section of a Switch statement.
CleanUp Represents the Clean Up section of sequence code, which executes after the Setup and Main code sections. This section contains statements that are critical to execute at the end of sequence execution. If a task running a sequence is stopped, the sequence immediately begins executing the statements in the CleanUp section.
Code Represents the Code section of a sequence, which is the top-level container for all sequence code and contains the Setup, Main, and CleanUp sections.
CodeSection Represents a section of code in a real-time sequence. This is a base class from which more specific code section classes, such as Setup, Main, and CleanUp, inherit.
Comment Represents a Comment primitive, which is a a non-functional statement you can use to document code. This primitive simply stores a string, and functions similarly to comment tags in text-based programming. It has no effect on the execution of a real-time sequence.
CompilationEvent Provides information about errors, warnings, and messages that occurred during compilation of real-time sequence and stimulus profile files.
Compiler Represents the compiler for real-time sequence files. All open and referenced real-time sequence files are compiled automatically when you run a stimulus profile.
DefaultCase Represents the default case in a Switch statement, which executes if none of the conditions for executing a CaseStatement under the Cases section are met.
DirectoryPathAttribute Represents an attribute that indicates that a string is a directory path.
DoWhileLoopRepresents a DoWhile Loop primitive, which executes its body of statements at least once and continues executing until a specified condition is false (False in Visual Basic).
Expression Represents a formula-type expression that operates on constant and/or variable values. Expressions can call built-in functions, such as sin(x) and cos(x), and real-time sequences that you add to the current sequence as References.
ForEachLoop Represents a ForEach Loop, which iterates over an array of values and executes its body of statements once per array element.
ForLoop Represents a For Loop, which executes its body of statements for a fixed number of iterations.
IfElse Represents an IfElse conditional statement, which executes one of two code sections depending on the value of a Boolean expression.
IsInternal Represents an attribute that indicates if a property is internal or public.
LocalDeclaration Represents a declaration of a local variable in a real-time sequence.
LocalVariables Represents the Local Variables section of a real-time sequence definition, which contains the set of local variables that the sequence uses.
Main Represents the Main section of sequence code, which executes after the Setup section and before the CleanUp sections. This section contains the core set of statements that the sequence executes.
MultilineStringAttribute Represents an attribute that indicates that a string contains multiple lines.
Multitask Represents a MultiTask structure, which branches sequence code execution into one or more child tasks. On each time step, the MultiTask structure iteratively executes code from each child task until the task either terminates or yields execution to the next time step.
ParameterDeclaration Represents a declaration of a real-time sequence parameter.
Parameters Represents the Parameters section of the real-time sequence definition, which contains the parameter declarations for the sequence.
PathStringAttribute Represents an attribute that indicates that a string is a file path.
PropertyUIDisplayAttribute Represents an attribute that indicates a property is displayed in the Stimulus Profile Editor Property Browser pane.
RealTimeSequence Represents a real-time sequence, which is a program that can deploy to a target with a system definition file and read/write channels defined in the system definition file.
Reference Represents a reference to a real-time sequence. This reference contains an alias that the current sequence can use to call the referenced sequence from an Expression.
References Represents the References section of the real-time sequence, which is represented by the References pane in the Stimulus Profile Editor. This section contains references to other real-time sequences, which you can call from expressions within the current sequence.
ReturnDeclaration Represents a declaration of the return variable of a real-time sequence.
RootNode Represents the abstract base class from which real-time sequence and stimulus profile files inherit.
Setup Represents the Setup section of sequence code, which executes before the Main and CleanUp code sections. This section contains statements that initialize the sequence.
Statement Represents a functional statement that you can add to a real-time sequence. A statement can be any unique component that performs an action within the sequence, and statements can include sub-statements. Block, Expression, IfElse, and AbstractLoop are all common types of statements that you can add to a real-time sequence.
StimulusProfileCompilationException Represents errors, warnings, or messages that occur during the compilation of a stimulus profile or real-time sequence definition file.
StopTask Represents a Stop Task statement, which stops a task in a Multitask structure. When a task is stopped, any sub-sequences executing in that task immediately execute their CleanUp section. Any sub-tasks are also stopped.
Switch Represents a Switch statement, which evaluates a TestExpression to determine which of multiple Cases to execute.
Task Represents a Task, or block of code, in a Multitask structure. On each time step, the MultiTask structure iteratively executes code from each child Task that it contains. A Task cannot exist outside of a MultiTask structure.
Utilities Provides a set of static methods for locating and resolving common issues in real-time sequence development, such as invalid sequence files, invalid identifiers, and so on.
Variables Represents the Variables section of a real-time sequence definition, which contains the Parameters, LocalVariables, and the ReturnDeclaration for the sequence.
WhileLoop Represents a While Loop, which executes its body of statements repeatedly as long as a specified condition is true (True in Visual Basic).
Yield Represents a Yield statement, which causes a real-time sequence to pause while the Primary Control Loop iterates, and then resume executing. In a multi-tasking sequence, this statement causes the current task to yield control of the CPU to the next task, if one exists.


CompilationEventCode Specifies the code for an event that occurs during compilation of a real-time sequence or stimulus profile.
CompilationEventType Specifies the type of a CompilationEvent.
EvaluationMethod Specifies how the value of a ParameterDeclaration is passed in to the real-time sequence.
OverwriteExistingFileBehavior Specifies the behavior when an existing file has the same name as the new file.
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