VeriStand .NET API Reference

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ModelSignalGroup Members

The ModelSignalGroup type exposes the following members.


ModelSignalGroup Initializes a new instance of ModelSignalGroup with the specified name.


AddModelSignal Adds the specified ModelSignal to the ModelSignalGroup section.
AddModelSignalGroup Adds the specified ModelSignalGroup as a sub-section of the current section.
EqualsDetermines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Finalize Class Destructor (Overrides ModelDefaultGroup.Finalize().)
FindChildrenByGUID Gets an array that contains the child BaseNode elements of the current node that match the specified TypeGUID. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
FindFirstChildWithName Gets the first child node with the specified name. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
FindNodeByPath Gets a node using the specified path. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
GetChildren Gets an array that contains the child BaseNode elements of the current node. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
GetDocumentPath Gets the path to the system definition file that owns this node. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
GetDocumentRoot Gets the Root node of the system definition file. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
GetHashCodeServes as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.)
GetModelSignalGroups Gets an array that contains the ModelSignalGroup elements from the current ModelSignalGroup. This method gets the defined subgroups of the current group.
GetParent Gets the parent node of this node. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
GetSignals Gets an array that contains the ModelSignal elements from the current ModelSignalGroup. This method gets the signals that are categorized under the current group.
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
RemoveNode Removes this node from the hierarchy, if the node can be removed. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
RenameNode Renames this node to the name you specify, if the node can be renamed and if the name you specify is not already in use by a sibling of this node. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
ToStringReturns a String that represents the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)


BaseNodeType Gets a reference to the internal representation of this node. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
Description Gets or sets the description of this node. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
Name Gets the name of this node. To rename a node, use the RenameNode method. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
NodeID Gets the ID of this node. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
NodePath Gets the path to the node within the system definition file. (Inherited from BaseNode.)
TypeGUID Gets the GUID associated with the node. Attempts to set the GUID of a BaseNode will generate an exception. (Inherited from BaseNode.)

See Also

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