Save Icon As Dialog Box

Select File»Save As»Template or File»Save As»Glyph from the Icon Editor dialog box to display this dialog box. Depending on the File menu item you select, the title of this dialog box appears as either Save Icon Template or Save Glyph.

Use this dialog box to save an icon you create as a template or glyph for later use. You must save icon templates within the LabVIEW Data\Icon Templates directory. You must save glyphs within the LabVIEW Data\Glyphs directory. LabVIEW saves icon templates and glyphs you create in the Icon Editor dialog box as 256-color .png files.

This dialog box includes the following components:

Option Description
Graphic name

Specifies the filename, without the file extension, for the icon template or glyph you want to save.

Folder Structure

Displays the folder structure on disk within the LabVIEW Data\Icon Templates or LabVIEW Data\Glyphs directory. Navigate to the folder in which you want to save the icon template or glyph.

Final path

Displays the final path on disk for the icon template or glyph you want to save.

New Folder

Creates a new subfolder within the folder you select in the Folder Structure tree.