Event Inspector Window

Select View»Event Inspector Window to display this window. You also can right-click an Event structure and select Event Inspector Window from the shortcut menu.

Use the Event Inspector Window to view the events in event queues at run time. This window also displays which VIs contain Event structures with registered events and which events those Event structures handled.

This window includes the following components:

Option Description
Active VIs with Event Structures

Lists the names of running VIs that include Event structures registered for events or Event structures that handled events since you opened the Event Inspector Window.

Unhandled Events in Event Queue(s)

Displays event data for all events waiting in all event queues of the Event structure. This list shows both statically registered events and dynamically registered events. The order in which the list displays events corresponds to the order of the events in the event queue.

  • Sequence #—Specifies the monotonically increasing event sequence number.
  • Queue ID—Specifies the ID for the event queue.
  • Time—Specifies the timestamp, in milliseconds, of the event when the event occurred.
  • Reference—Specifies the refnum to the event.
  • Event Type—Specifies the type of the event, such as Mouse Move or Value Change.
  • Source Name—Specifies the name of the object associated with the event.
  • Other Data—Specifies user event data.
Event Log

Displays a log of the event data for handled events.

Log Timeout Events

If selected, specifies to include timeout events in the Event Log display.

Save Log to File

Saves the Event Log to a text file.

Show Active VIs in <vi.lib>

If TRUE, the Active VIs with Event Structures pull-down menu includes VIs in vi.lib that use Event structures as part of the VI implementation, such as the General Error Handler.

Clear All

Clears the Event Log for all running VIs with Event structures and removes the Event Log for Event structures no longer running.


Clears the Event Log for the current running VI.