Find Parallelizable Loops Results Window

Select Tools»Profile»Find Parallelizable Loops to display this window.

Use this window to detect For Loops you can make parallel. If you launch this window from the Project Explorer window, LabVIEW analyzes all VIs in the project.

This window includes the following pages:

Option Description
Test Results

Displays the results of the For Loop detection. Double-click a list item to highlight the loop on the block diagram. This page includes the following components:

  • Results

    Displays the results of the For Loop detection.

    Results include the following information:

    • Parallelism Enabled—Indicates whether you enabled parallelism on the For Loop.
    • Result—Indicates whether the For Loop is parallelizable. Displays icons that represent Parallelizable, Possibly not parallelizable, and Not parallelizable.
    • Performance Warning—Indicates whether the For Loop contains a call to a non-reentrant subVI. Calling a non-reentrant subVI can limit performance because only one loop instance can execute the subVI at a time.
    • For Loop—Displays the name of the VI that contains the For Loop and the label of the For Loop. If a VI does not contain any For Loops, LabVIEW displays the VI name, but does not display any results.
  • Description—Displays details about the selected For Loop.
Test Errors Displays errors related to the analysis itself, such as VIs that did not load. This page includes the following components:
  • Test Errors

    Lists the errors that occurred during the analysis.

  • Error Description

    Displays details about the error you select in the Test Errors list.


Updates the Results list with the latest information about parallelizable For Loops in the VI hierarchy.


Closes the window.