Control Parts Window

Select Window»Show Parts Window in the Control Editor window to display this window. Use the Control Parts window to size and position the individual parts of a control or indicator.

Use this dialog box to identify the parts of the control or indicator and show the exact position and size of each part in pixels.

This dialog box includes the following components:

Option Description
Current Part

Contains an image and the name of the part you selected in the Control Editor window. Click inside the Current Part window to display and select among all the parts of the control or indicator. Click the Current Part increment or decrement arrow to scroll through the parts of the control or indicator.

Part Position and Dimensions Enter the position and size values directly in the Part Position and Dimensions section to move or resize the part in the Control Editor window, which is useful when you must make two parts exactly the same size or align one part with another. After you enter position and size values in the Part Position and Dimensions section, press the <Enter> key or click the right mouse button for the changes to take effect. You can specify the following options:
  • Top

    The position of the top of the currently selected part, shown in the Current Part ring control. You can change the position by changing this number or by moving the part in the Control Editor window.

  • Left

    The position of the left side of the currently selected part, shown in the Current Part ring control. You can change the position by changing this number or by moving the part in the Control Editor window.

  • Height

    The height of the currently selected part, shown in the Current Part ring control. You can change the height by changing this number or by resizing the part in the Control Editor window.

  • Width

    The width of the currently selected part, shown in the Current Part ring control. You can change the width by changing this number or by resizing the part in the Control Editor window.

When you move or resize a part in the Control Editor window, LabVIEW updates the position and size in the Current Part and Part Position and Dimensions sections of the Control Parts window.