Font Style Dialog Box

Select Tools»Options to display the Options dialog box and select Environment from the Category list. In the Fonts section, remove the checkmark from the Use default font checkbox and select the Font Style button to display this dialog box.

Use this dialog box to set font options for individual objects in LabVIEW, all new objects on the front panel or block diagram, and all new objects in LabVIEW, LabVIEW dialog boxes, or LabVIEW menus and palettes.

This dialog box includes the following components:

Option Description

(Linux) Sets whether you want to select fonts by attribute or from a list of all available font configurations. Selecting Font List replaces the attribute options with a listbox that contains all fonts on the local computer.


Selects a font.

You also can use the Font property to set the font programmatically.

Displays the font size you select. You can select a font size from the pull-down menu or enter a numeric value in this field.


Selects the horizontal text justification.

This option is not available if you access this dialog box from the Environment page of the Options dialog box. You also can use the Justification property to get and set the justification of text programmatically.

Displays the color picker so you can select the color of the font.

This option is not available if you access this dialog box from the Environment page of the Options dialog box. You also can use the Text Colors property to change the foreground and background color of a text string programmatically.
Font attributes Applies the following attributes to the font:
  • Plain

    Clears all font attributes.

  • Bold

    Applies bold to the font.

  • Italic

    Applies italic to the font.

  • Underline

    Applies underline to the font.

  • Strikeout

    Applies strikeout to the font.

  • Outline

    (macOS) Applies outline to the font.

Font preview

Displays a preview of the selected font and attributes.

Panel default

Sets the front panel default font to the font and attributes defined in this dialog box. LabVIEW uses the default font for new labels on the front panel.

Diagram default

Sets the block diagram default font to the font and attributes defined in this dialog box. LabVIEW uses the default font for new labels on the block diagram.