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Variable: ChnDim

Variable: ChnDim

Valid names: ChnDim, CD

Specifies the unit of a data channel. You also can use the object-oriented interface to access internal data. You can use the Properties for Channel property with the property name "unit_string" and the UnitSymbol property to determine the unit of a data channel.

Definition ChnDim(i), String
i = 1 ... ChnNoMax

Access: Read/Write

The following example displays the name and the dimension of the channel in a label text of an axis system.



@@ChnName(CurrxChnNo)@@ [@@ChnDim(CurrxChnNo)@@]

The following example displays the name and the dimension of the first channel in the first channel group in a label text of an axis system.



@@ChnName(Data.GetChannel("[1]/[1]"))@@ [@@ChnDim(Data.GetChannel("[1]/[1]"))@@]

The following example displays the name and the dimension of the first channel in the first channel group in a label text of an axis system.



@@ChnName("[1]/[1]")@@ [@@ChnDim("[1]/[1]")@@]

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